How to get my Euros (or US$) from GER?

@ElQueso Yeah of cause, don't worry. That's reasonable and I totally understand this. It would have been too easy anyway, wouldn't it have been? ;)
But why shouldn't I ask, this is totally new for my, so it was worth a try. And no, I'm not from the government, but of cause there's no way you could know that at this moment. And as I wrote, I don't know how confidential these things are, that's why I just gave it a shot. I mean, could also have been like this is an everyday thing, according to the happening at Florida I wouldn't even wonder about that.

When I'm here for longer I'm looking forward to find such a place, seems like it's at least not impossible. And since I now heard that they are not screwing people, I'm looking forward to that.

Until that day I think I'll consider a trip to Uruguay. I wanted to go there anyway so why not with a purpose. Just wrote a bunch of questions on how that works when French Jurist already answered most of them. Thanks a lot for this! The Seacat Webpage looks nice, I'll take this one and am looking forward to the trip :)
Any recommendations on a Bank over there? Or doesn't it make a difference and it's OK to just take the first one(s) I find? Since my bank (DKB) doesn't charge a fee on ATMs of any bank but does at the 'real' teller, I think I will go to several ATMs..

Haha, yeah I still have to get used to this last frontier thing ^^

Thanks a lot already!
For banks:

Be simply aware that monday mornings, ATMs are likely empty. They get refilled at 1pm. Tuesday might be a safer bet.

Two bank names to try in Colonia (others can be OK as well):
BROU & Discount.
Just to finish this Thread. Menawhile I've been in Colonia 2 times to get Dollars, both times working out great and including a nice day trip while still making a surplus by exchanging to the blue rate afterwards. I chose the Banred Bank at Gral Flores / Gob. Vasconcellos, liked it because the ATM is in a small closed room where only you are in, so you can do the transaction w/o the feeling of beeing observed or so. Because of French Jurists advice I was only there in the week, so didn't have a problem with an empty ATM either. One thing I'd do if I would have more Credit Card that doesn't charge an ATM fee is to take them all with me and by doing so increasing the amount of money you can take with you. When the weather is good there's really a lot to see, loved to just walk around in the landscape and enjoy the silence, since BsAs sometimes is a bit too much of a town for me, even though I'm a town person.
So thanks a lot for all the tips!
Hi dudes

Well i have pesos, i work in recoleta, and if anybody need can give 5 pesos for each dollar. Im not a "cueva", im just what we call "ahorrista" here.

my ym is haaiah83

pashi said:
Hi dudes

Well i have pesos, i work in recoleta, and if anybody need can give 5 pesos for each dollar. Im not a "cueva", im just what we call "ahorrista" here.

my ym is haaiah83

No of course you are not a Cueva, as they give 6.xx per dollar
Right, of course, but i can enter to the bank with any who want to see that im giving real pesos. Some cuevas are not serious and scam foreign people...
pashi said:
Right, of course, but i can enter to the bank with any who want to see that im giving real pesos. Some cuevas are not serious and scam foreign people...
Well that is always a possibility though in the 100 or so times I have dealt with Cuevas I have never been scammed for even a Centavo,but at least with you at 5.00 Pesos per Dollar they are guaranteed to get scammed from the start:),
Never mind that today is your first time posting here. I would be willing to give anyone that wants Pesos 5.50, and would expect no takers at that rate as it only takes a little looking around to find someone offering at least 6.xx
pashi said:
Right, of course, but i can enter to the bank with any who want to see that im giving real pesos. Some cuevas are not serious and scam foreign people...

Smart business...

Instead of maybe getting scammed (and honestly, there are not so many horror stories with cuevas), get scammed for sure (getting 5:1 when anyone can get 6:1 today)!

You're not an example of the viveza criolla, rather of the boludeza one indeed :p
Greg2231 said:
Well that is always a possibility though in the 100 or so times I have dealt with Cuevas I have never been scammed for even a Centavo,but at least with you at 5.00 Pesos per Dollar they are guaranteed to get scammed from the start:),
Never mind that today is your first time posting here. I would be willing to give anyone that wants Pesos 5.50, and would expect no takers at that rate as it only takes a little looking around to find someone offering at least 6.xx

So, i assume if you get in the bank with 1 dollar and you get 4.6 for each dollar the bank scam you right??? What are you saying men? im just offering 5 pesos for each dollar, much people get scammed, may be you are lucky guy, and you never been scammed, but there a lot of cuevas who give fake pesos. And nowadays is not easy to find an indicated place, and with good people that wouldn't scam you. And don't forget the AFIP get catched and closed too many cuevas last month. As i readed i see new people here, who need's pesos and couldn't find some place to change it. So im offering, to that persons. im just a possibility for people who can't find a cueva or not trust in that places.
French jurist said:
Smart business...

Instead of maybe getting scammed (and honestly, there are not so many horror stories with cuevas), get scammed for sure (getting 5:1 when anyone can get 6:1 today)!

You're not an example of the viveza criolla, rather of the boludeza one indeed :p

viveza criolla? Ja well one more.... "viveza criolla" ok.... go and tell to the banker you with your "viveza criolla" want to sell me 4,6 for each dollar.

And sorry but we don't use "boludeza".

Cant believe one enter here to receive that kind of post.