How to obtain a personal court report quickly?


Dec 7, 2006
Hi Everyone,
I am hoping someone has had a similar experience and can advise on a personal matter. My Argentine fiance has completed all the documentation to submit to the U.S. Embassy for his K-1 visa except for one item. They are requesting a report from the court stating that there are no pending cases against him. In the U,S., this would be a simple matter of going to the Court Clerk's office, requesting it, paying the fee and walking out with it. In BsAs, it seems to be more difficult.
He has gone to Tribunales and spoke with an attorney who said he would request it but he didn't have any idea how long it would take. He spoke to a couple of other private attorneys who said they don't have never had such a request. (One said he could get it for US$1,500 (wink, wink) - jerk!!!)
Does anyone have an Argentine spouse or friend that has had to provide this document and knows how/where to obtain it?

Much thanks in advance.
It would be much easier to enter the US on a B-2 visa than trying to get a K-1. Once in, then get married, and apply for a greencard.
Harleygirl said:
They are requesting a report from the court stating that there are no pending cases against him.

Hi Harleygirl,

How do you know which court to go to?
May be some indian tribal court up north has a pending case against him for trespassing.
Are you sure they are not just asking for certificado de antecedentes penales?
I believe what you need must be get from the Police and not from a Judicial office. If I was you I would ask at the Central Police Dept, where you get your passport, etc. I believe what you need is " Antecedentes Penales " or " Certificado de Reincidencia "
Don´t go to Azopardo, even they do it you will waste too many hours. Go to Tucuman between Talcahuano and Uruguay, there is a fast tramite that is done in 8 hours and cost about 50 pesos. Registro de reincidencia y estadistica criminal is called. Is a personal tramite. Regards