May 2004, I was 23 and came to Argentina to meet my 'boyfriend' which I had met online. I had never been to any South American country before and didn't really know anything about Argentina. I wasn't sure what to expect. I remember the plane touching down and feeling the butterflies in my stomach. Would he like me? Would I like him? Things can be different in person and this was before Skype or webcams really became a thing...
When I walked out I didnt see him at first... but he spotted me and when our eyes met I knew it would be okay. He gave me his jacket (being from South Florida I didn't even own one and didn't expect it to be so cold) and took me to his place. Didn't do much sightseeing on the first day, apart from the drive from the airport.

(We had our first kiss on the second day, so don't think too badly!)
That first visit was a whirlwind... romance, sightseeing, getting used to the language and customs... it was all very enchanting.
Almost 10 years later some of that enchantment has worn with the country, but still in love with my husband.