Before the PASO the peso was around 45. Now mid October it is 167. On an annualized basis this is a devaluation of more than 200%. And imposing price controls on basic goods only has limited effect. Now it seems that prices seem to increase much than in previous months, affecting - as always - the poor disproportionally:
With the Central Bank running out of USD reserves, surely also the import goods will soon change from the official to the market value.
The other day Guzman was forecasting an inflation of 29% for 2021:
The only way that this is not spiralling out of control in the short term is a white knight (IMF, China, ... ?)
Aumenta 10% el pan y se dispara la inflación de alimentos
Aunque el índice de precios que se conocerá mañana rondará 3%, la suba de alimentos sería mayor al promedio general. El pan tendrá un alza del 10%. Se profundizó el impacto en los hogares más pobres
The other day Guzman was forecasting an inflation of 29% for 2021:
Martín Guzmán presentó el Presupuesto 2021: inflación de 29%, dólar a 102,4 pesos y un crecimiento de 5,5 por ciento
El ministro de Economía dio los detalles de la ley de leyes que establece los gastos y recursos para el año próximo