I quit my job in NYC y acá estoy

Brigadier said:
Yes Steve, there are dog's shit and wronken streetsides in the whole damn world, so dont be ironic with this, and less with your host country as Joeblow said. I was talking truly.

Have you ever been to Europe or the USA? Damn few broken sidewalks there.

Not so much dog shit, either.

And where I live now there aren't any broken sidewalks.

In fact, there aren't any sidewalks.:p

Actually, I haven't seen any dog shit in the unbroken sidewalks of Bahia Blanca or Punta Alta (the two Argentine cities closest to my house).

When I become a citizen of Argentina I will drop the word "host" from the expression "my host country" ;).

Isn't it ironic that someone who wants to be "talking truly" doesn't know the correct use of the word ironic, while speaking truthfully is exactly what I'm doing?:D
Wow, super defensive...if you do not recognize the need to look down A LOT because of dog shit, or broken sidewalks in BA, you must be joking or have not walked around much.

As for the OP: Congrats on your bold move. It's super exciting and you are still young. Any desk you left will still be there should you change your mind.

And remember: "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation."
I agree about the broken sidewalks and dog shit...I also agree that one should be watching their back. I LOVE B.A. but the truth is that if you are living here, visiting, whatever...you need to have a 1000 eyes to stay safe, walking, driving, biking, on a moto...it is what it is what it is....
People dont get start another fight here, im just saying that the dog shit, and broken sidewalks are overwere includin US or europe. I know NY and the dog shit and B.S. do exist for whole brookling neiborhood and even in manhattam too. Once i've been in paris and I could found this stuff (shit..,broken..) everywere So dont try to sale me that in europe or US all its perfect, cause thats a big LIE.
i was just about to write the same exact thing!...
watch your step for dog poop and broken tiles...everywhere!!!
Brigadier said:
People dont get start another fight here, im just saying that the dog shit, and broken sidewalks are overwere includin US or europe. I know NY and the dog shit and B.S. do exist for whole brookling neiborhood and even in manhattam too. Once i've been in paris and I could found this stuff (shit..,broken..) everywere So dont try to sale me that in europe or US all its perfect, cause thats a big LIE.

Perhaps the OP can give us an update regarding the conditions of the sidewalks of New York, including the latest scoop regarding the puppy poop.

In recent years I've spent significant amounts of time in Paris (walking everywhere) and don't remember any dog shit or broken sidewalks. I do remember seeing Parisians immediately picking up after their pooches (French justice is swift). I never saw anything like the professional dog walkers of BA who "walk" ten (or more) dogs at a time. Only a few of them pick up the poop and many of the pups have to go on the go...literally.

The big LIE is that old (travel industry) slogan that Buenos Aires is the Paris of Latin America. A recent New York Post article left (some) readers with the impression that it's really a pseudo European shit hole. After living there for four years I have to agree. Some foreigners do enjoy living there and I still think it's a great place to visit, but you have to be careful...and watch your back as well as your step.

PS: If you use OPERA as your browser you will enable the spell check feature of this website.
Well, I can certainly update you as to the situation in NYC, after just finishing 15 years in Manhattan.

As for Manhattan, broken sidewalks are extremely rare unless there is building construction or some sort of street/sewer construction. Almost non-existent (at least below 96th St).

Dog poop is there but much, much less compared to the copious amounts of dog poop in BA. NYC requires you to pick it up, which frankly grosses the hell out of me. I always got a kick out of seeing these rich b*tches down in the West Village bending to pick up dog poop in their Christian Louboutins ($500 shoes). Hilarious. Even a couple of new starlets. Let's face it, nobody looks sexy picking up dog poop in a sandwich bag. NOBODY!!

There are the dog walkers with the multitude of dogs though they have slightly fewer dogs in tow than here.

As for Brooklyn, depending upon the neighborhood, the sidewalks are cracked up and more dog poop, which is likely a function of socio-econimic conditions. (Park Slope not so dirty or broken, Bed-Stuy a bit more).

The surprising thing here is that even in the "best,exclusive" neighborhoods: dog pop, broken sidewalks, graffitti exist. That is not the case in NYC. But boy do you pay for that privilege, you pay....
Well, this thread quickly changed from me, huh? jaja. Hey TheGlow, I'd love to meet up sometime! I would send you a private message, but you have them turned off. Send me one if you'd like!
Yes, the threads will do that. We are new in town as well and find BA to be kinda awesome. Cities are Cities, and its a lot like NYC but I find it much better in some ways...so far. Certainly better than Wilmington (which even though it is "A Place to Be Somebody" can be a little sleepy), definitely better than New-Ark.

Good luck, and don't look back. (maybe down ;)...but not back....)
BuenaOndaKD said:
Well, this thread quickly changed from me, huh? jaja.

Well with all that expert advice one thing is certain you know now how the situation is and it won't be so shocking went walking around the city, remember the golden rule one eye looking ahead and one focusing and scanning the footpath and you will be fine....ah! before I say adios one more thing, the third eye if you got one keep that one looking around your body space for motochorros or pickpockets artist, and last but not least...Welcome to Buenos Aires La Reina del Plata, she will welcome you and anyone to dare con arrive to her shores....and survive to tell their stories, as some here can certificate. :D