I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

Could it be because insurance companies are canceling millions of individual plans that fail to meet minimum standards?

Minimum standards set by whom? Obviously not the standards set by the clients, as they had those plans until a minimum standard was imposed by the government kicked in. Are you implying that Obama knows better? That those 93 million were too dumb to get a plan that was good enough for them, but now thanks to Obama they will forced to move up to a plan that is actually good for them (and be much more expensive)?
Lol. Sorry, was referring to this.

As we all know, supporters of the law call it "The Affordable (Health) Care Act" - its real name, and not "Obamacare", while its enemies use the name "Obamacare" to tell us that its initiator is black.
Minimum standards set by whom? Obviously not the standards set by the clients, as they had those plans until a minimum standard was imposed by the government kicked in. Are you implying that Obama knows better? That those 93 million were too dumb to get a plan that was good enough for them, but now thanks to Obama they will forced to move up to a plan that is actually good for them (and be much more expensive)?
Are you under the misapprehension that Obama designed Affordable Health Care all by himself, sitting in his rocking chair, sipping whisky and eating potato chips?

"good enough for them" - Jeeeez, haven't you heard and/or read how many US Americans who cannot afford sufficient health care?

Unable to afford sufficient healt care does not imply that people are stupid, only that they could not afford - or their employer didn't want to pay for - more than the bare minimum.
Unable to afford sufficient healt care does not imply that people are stupid, only that they could not afford - or their employer didn't want to pay for - more than the bare minimum.

I strongly suggest you watch the video I posted, as it is clear that you do not fully understand Obamacare and why people are loosing their current plans.
For the non-Americans here.

For everybody here.

46 percent of Americans oppose Obamacare, while only 37 percent oppose the Affordable Care Act