I'd Rather Be In Argentina Than On Flight 93 In The Us!

All stops have been pulled.

A North Carolina Republican precinct chairman derided “lazy blacks.” - racism is ripe.

Oh I see...because for a moment I thought you implied anyone who opposed Obama's policies did so because he or she hated blacks.
The harder Sami tries, the less she accomplishes.

I have to laugh hard at this comment of yours as you are the most desperate person I have ever had the misfortune to meet in my life, and no I will not read your books!!!!!!
I strongly suggest you watch the video I posted, as it is clear that you do not fully understand Obamacare and why people are loosing their current plans.
"Socialized medicine like they have in France, provides all citizens with healthcare services regardless of their income bracket and pays for it through taxes. That's not what Obamacare does at all. ObamaCare is designed to force every person in the United States to acquire health insurance from private companies, regardless of where you get it." http://stormcloudsga...-not-being-told (the transcript of the video).

Imagine the scream from The Backwards if the Affordable Health Care had been socialized medicine like they have in France. 1st rate phony argument.

When they write "Let's remove all the party politics and set the record straight." they are simply competing with Goebbels, the entire article and video is nothing but a republican party view.
"Socialized medicine like they have in France, provides all citizens with healthcare services regardless of their income bracket and pays for it through taxes. That's not what Obamacare does at all. ObamaCare is designed to force every person in the United States to acquire health insurance from private companies, regardless of where you get it." http://stormcloudsga...-not-being-told (the transcript of the video).

Imagine the scream from The Backwards if the Affordable Health Care had been socialized medicine like they have in France. 1st rate phony argument.

I think you have some interpretation issues. He never defended or suggested that US adopt socialized medicine. he just criticized the right wingers for calling Obamacare socialized medicine, and pointed out that FRANCE has socialized medicine, and that Obamacare is NOT socialized medicine, as claimed by many conservatives and even by our Steve here. His point is that Obamacare is NOT socialism. You might wanna watch it again and see if you understand it, because based on the comment above, it is obvious that you don't.
I have to laugh hard at this comment of yours as you are the most desperate person I have ever had the misfortune to meet in my life, and no I will not read your books!!!!!!

I'm certain I've never met Sami, because I have never vomited on another person in my life. Also, "will not" is not the same as "cannot" - nobody expects a borderline illiterate to form part of his or her readership.
Oh I see...because for a moment I thought you implied anyone who opposed Obama's policies did so because he or she hated blacks.

Oh I see...because for a moment I thought you implied anyone who opposed Obama's policies did so because he or she hated blacks.
Of course not. I was referring to the partisans who do their best to make sure they get the remaining (10% ?) racists on the bandwagon.
I think you have some interpretation issues. He never defended or suggested that US adopt socialized medicine. he just criticized the right winger fors calling Obamacare socialized medicine and pointed out that FRANCE has socialized medicine and Obamacare is NOT socialized medicine. You might wanna watch it again and see if you understand it, because based on the comment above, it is obvious that you don't.
I have the impression that you don't understand what is wrong with his argument. No reason to watch the video again, read the transcript: http://stormcloudsgathering.com/obamacare-what-youre-not-being-told

If the video and text had been a sort of neutral overview of Affordable Health Care, there would have been pros and cons. Here you find only cons.

"Socialized medicine like they have in France, provides all citizens with healthcare services regardless of their income bracket and pays for it through taxes. That's not what Obamacare does at all. ObamaCare is designed to force every person in the United States to acquire health insurance from private companies ..."

1. The Affordable Health Care is not socialized medicine.
2. The Affordable Health Care is designed to force every person ...

How would The Backwards have reacted, if The Affordable Health Care had been socialized medicine, paid for through taxes?

big government!!!
communist health care!!!
If the video and text had been a sort of neutral overview of Affordable Health Care, there would have been pros and cons. Here you find only cons.

Of course. Because Obamacare was originally written by a CONSERVATIVE GROUP on behalf of the insurance companies. That is the whole point of the video. Obama did not create Obamacare. The Heritage Foundation, a RIGHT-WING group of minions serving corporate interest did. The is the whole point of this charade. It is not meant for the little guy. It is meant for the health companies. There are no pros, except for the insurance companies.

2. The Affordable Health Care is designed to force every person ...

EXACTLY. You are REQUIRED to buy health insurance. And if you can't afford it, the government will pick up the tab. We are talking about a ridiculous amount of wealth being transferred from all tax payers to a few insurance companies, thanks to Obamacare. All Americans WILL HAVE TO become customers. The insurance companies are not required to lower their prices. It is the contrary, they are dropping the cheaper policies for millions of people and forcing everyone to pay for more expensive plans. And if you can't afford it, the government will cover the difference, lining their pockets. This is not a Republican vs. democrat video, as they both have their hands on this (as the video makes it very clear) . It is about corporatism and the huge scam that is Obamacare (or Romneycare), same thing.