still a god tip, actually I would love to live in berlin due to the music scene, but first I have never been there, and secondly I guess that if I don't speak german it will be harder to establish and so. Need to go and see. And prague have been there, it seems that is nice to party but too rainy.
Barna is the city where foreigners and with that I refer to a high number of south americans, are more integrated, as per statistics. You just have to walk around. A good catalan friend mention that catalans accept everyone since they are themselves sons of expats (germans, french, british,...) or people from another areas of spain that relocated (mostly andalucians), and the only thing they demand is that people integrate and if possible learn the language. Funny as it is, a canadian friend only speaks french and english, not even a single word of spanish and he has never been happier, still there!
[background=rgb(230, 230, 230)]frenchie[/background]
nice tip

I've lived in cote d'azur before, it's awesome. Never stayed in the perigord region, only crossed by car.
And I feel like if live in barna, i'll be closer than from amsterdam to visit that side of france
Actually I'm in the pursuit of happiness, if I can call it like that, or "home". And for that I'm trying to reunite: nice weather, parties, good music scene, relaxed environment, good connection to travel, good food, good culture, nice people.
A'dam has it all, minus good weather - good food, and it wasn't easy to make friends.
I think people visiting barcelona has another spirit, the place is more hedonistic than A'dam, guess that it has the southern warm spirit. Can be easier
(* I'm not south american, I'm half angolan half portuguese - mulato - and have lived in sevilla for 4 years, 3 years a go.)