I'm so bored...this pandemic has killed me, is there anything to do here?

Yoga & meditation classes w me @ the park, Lago Regatas, Olleros & Libertador. Tuesdays & Fridays 6pm. We meet across the lake under the beautiful tree line.
Yoga & meditation classes w me @ the park, Lago Regatas, Olleros & Libertador. Tuesdays & Fridays 6pm. We meet across the lake under the beautiful tree line.

Hey, Andrew, there's a great idea! For a young, single guy, this might be better than Tinder. You know that class will be 3/4 women, and half the guys will be musical, so no competition.
Hey, Andrew, there's a great idea! For a young, single guy, this might be better than Tinder. You know that class will be 3/4 women, and half the guys will be musical, so no competition.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that! in fact it’s just the opposite. I’ve more men than women in these classes. On the other hand, yoga is not about competition!!!
Years ago I got seriously bored. Then I thought what was the stuff I really enjoyed doing and, at the time, it was pistol shooting.

I knew a lot about it so I decided to write a book, or so was the original idea.
I gathered all the stuff at hand, researched the subject on the internet, read every book even marginally related and on the way made a skrtch of my book. It turned to be a very comprehensive Powerpoint presentation.
When it was almost ready, i recruited a dozen of interested subjects, from elemental to advanced and promised them to teach them if they promised not to skip a single class or quit.
Took months and endless meetings, they wouldn't leave after 3 non interrupted hours...
When the theory was done we wen to a Tiro Federal in La Plata where they traditionally have a cut down a 4x4 competition.
My random picked team finished first, Half the time and half the shots than the second team.
Me, a proud teacher.
Took hours, days, weeks, months.
Memories will last forever.

Hey Izno,
Shooting is kind of my thing too! However, I’ve yet to find a way to Import mine, or purchase blasters or pills here, pistols rifles or shotguns. I’d love to find a way, and find a club/range. I used to shoot IDPA and USPSA (IPSC in the states), in Texas, and would love to take it up again here. Any ideas would be much appreciated!!
Help others
Find your purpose
I'm convinced that some peoples purpose in life is to be an example of what not to do...and that's all...not that it is the op's purpose...just saying.
Hey Izno,
Shooting is kind of my thing too! However, I’ve yet to find a way to Import mine, or purchase blasters or pills here, pistols rifles or shotguns. I’d love to find a way, and find a club/range. I used to shoot IDPA and USPSA (IPSC in the states), in Texas, and would love to take it up again here. Any ideas would be much appreciated!!
Oh i know a guy he has some pew pew for sale......