Umm, cough, TMI?
But it's odd that the young, who have vast great spans of years ahead of them, are so easily bored. While those of us embarking on our 7th decade of life, who can see our own inevitable death heaving up over a distant horizon, feel we never have enough time for all we want to do.
I was looking at my Steam library the other day, thinking how many games I own that I have never played, and how many more I have only played far less than I want to, and it occurred to me that I probably don't have enough years left to do all I want with the games I already own, let alone any more I may buy. I started playing wargames fifty years ago, with Avalon Hill's WW1 monsterpiece 1914. And, Lord, but that half century has gone by so quickly!
I wish I could think of something profound with which to conclude this little digression, but I've got nothing. Life is, and then it isn't. JFK, MLK, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin, Mama Cass, and Jimi Hendrix all died too young. And wicked old monsters like Henry Kissinger and George Soros seem to live forever.