Imports or lack of..

The guy is russian. give him a break ! :)
I can kinda tell when someone that writes in english isnt american . Look up anything related to argentina on the english wikipedia and you will see what I mean .
I usually tell argentines that try to speak english is hat they fail because the fail to "think " in english before speaking or writing. Transliteration is differnt than translation.
I think he proably menat filaments , or tentacles
steveinbsas said:
I'm not sure what you are getting at. I've never heard the expression "government ligaments" before.

It might be the second strangest use of "English" I've ever encountered.

Calling US the effects of US (big pharma) produced medicine "violent" was the first.

Do you actually know what a "ligament" is?

For someone who (otherwise) writes in English very well, your choice of words is "surprising" to say the least.

Ligaments are connections, in a general sense. Fabe nailed it: what I meant was something like "tentacles". It may not be particularly idiomatic, but I don't think it's incorrect.

As to my choice to use the word "violence", I think you've made a mountain out of a molehill. It was metaphorical, and certainly hyperbolic. However, it's not too hyperbolic; a number of my immigrant acquaintances have gotten sick (one even had a stroke!) for reasons that were traced back to American medication by doctors in their native countries. They ultimately had to go see the doctors in their native countries to get their problems definitively checked out, because here, they would've just ended up in the office of another drug pusher who just came back from a pharma sales-sponsored junket. Don't get me started.
Fabe said:
The guy is russian. give him a break ! :)
I can kinda tell when someone that writes in english isnt american . Look up anything related to argentina on the english wikipedia and you will see what I mean .
I usually tell argentines that try to speak english is hat they fail because the fail to "think " in english before speaking or writing. Transliteration is differnt than translation.
I think he proably menat filaments , or tentacles

I suggest you read any (if not every) post ever made by Igor.

He speaks with a Russian accent but I've never seen him make a post with either a malapropism or even an error in punctuation.

Government ligaments is not an expression anyone who speaks (and reads English) as a first language would either say or understand.

It just makes the person who wrote it look ignorant.

So would the use of the terms filaments or tentacles.

OH, now that I think aobut it TENTACLES IS an appropriate word, but it applies to big government much more than big pharma.
Your lover out of town...for a while?
Seriously Steve...go to bed...stop hitting the drink...take a nap!
cbphoto said:
Your lover out of town...for a while?
Seriously Steve...go to bed...stop hitting the drink...take a nap!

I'm a lot more fun when I drink. I guess you don't remember when I was a stripper at your bachelor party...and why the wedding was cancelled...
HaHAha Ha.. love it...
love the last comment
seems we were writing at the same time.. :) will have to agree...
a bit off topic
Yes, drug imports IS the topic.

And if life saving drugs are being delayed it is horrible.
steveinbsas said:
He speaks with a Russian accent but I've never seen him make a post with either a malapropism or even an error in punctuation.

Then colour me yanqui. I speak with an American accent, but deploy plenty of malapropisms and commit untold atrocities upon punctuation.
We have doctors in the family, including my wife. And over the last few years I have been privy to multiple conversations among them regarding serious suspicions that many of the local drugs they prescribe are diminished/or seriously altered in both formulation and potency. Example being blood pressure meds and reduced effectiveness resulting in patients having to double up in order to maintain past results.
This is also the case with antibiotics and a very long list of other meds.
Local docs are deeply concerned about this trend because it's dangerous and unethical. However, complains and inquires to the pharma companies have resulted in denial and or [usually] silence.
Doctors here really do not make much $$$$$ and in most cases are are in the profession because they want to practice good medicine as opposed to money ball.
Whenever imports are terminated or severely restricted the local companies will fill the gap with their "knock-off" version of someone elses patent.
It is imposable to visually detect the reduced quality product but if you want to have a shining visual example....just walk into an Argentine hardware store.