Imports or lack of..

The Black Widow touted "not a single nail” to be imported into Argentina.*
For want of a nail the shoe was lost;
For want of a shoe the horse was lost;
For want of a horse the battle was lost;
For the failure of battle the kingdom was lost—
I agree totally with what Ghost said.
I've been taking Rivotril for six years. It's Chlonazepam 0.5mg. Just keeps me calm and on the level. I'm probably one of thousands who take this drug here, which doesn't surprise me lol.
Turns out that it's made in Brazil by Roche, exported to Roche Uruguay and finally imported by Investi, BsAs.
Since this brand wasn't available a couple of weeks ago, the pharmacist gave me what she said was exactly the same, but locally manufactured.
Indeed, it was the same drug in all but name. Within 36 hours I became aggressive, negative and just plain down in the dumps. Not pleasant.
Beginning to wonder if they may just have been placibos. You can't come down quickly from this type of med and that's how I feel is what happened.
Long story short; took the new presciption around a few pharmacies. No joy.
Found a small one round the corner who actually had the correct stuff. Luckily the Doc's writing was so bad that I managed to convince the lady that 30 pills actually read 50, so at least I was able to stock up.
I can only assume, as Ghost alluded to, that the locally produced pharms are way inferior.
I'm still unsure of the import situation re Mercosur though.
Also, lesson learned......think ahead and keep stocked up.
PS Can we please keep this thread on the level? Russian semantics and how people write are entirely irrelevant to the subject.
Where is Lucas to give us an explanation when we need him? I would really love one of those fanatic Ks in the forums to come forward and justify this craziness.
There has been an adultered medication maffia doing quite well in argentina for quite some time before he current no imports nuttiness.
One of the things they do is divert expired medications that are destined to go back to the pharmaceuticals. They reprint the box and a new expiration date gets embossed on the box. A good prtion of it gets distruibuted via the Obras sociales of the various trade unions.
Graciela Ocania has led the fight against this.