In Buenos Aires Now Enjoying The Lovely Weather :)

In the UK it would be seen as provocative or rudely intrusive to look and stare. Here it's normal.

Dog poo situation is getting better, you'll notice way more people bagging up their pooches afters. I always do and have in the small park i take my dog the majority of owners do. Not sure about the dogwalkers, not sure they are always as conscientious.

The dogshit situation is improving. I don't have my dog here, but I still carry plastic bags and, when I someone's dog dumping on the sidewalk, I hand them one with the admonition "Se te cayó algo."
I probably see at least 5 locals a week wearing a Union Jack shirt in my town, the shops are filled with them. They love us here ;-)

The shame of the butcher's apron being sported in these parts!

(just kidding, no lynching!).
it depends a lot on the way you dress.

It happend to me as well. My husband says it's because of the way I move, but he can't be more specific than that. He also says that I will always be spotted as a foreigner even before I open my mouth.
Thanks for replying guys. I am not exactly a newbie of untarnished innocence as I have been here 3 times before, so all together for about 50 days of my life. And I was robbed in La Boca on my last trip (this was in a previous post) so I have been very much tarnished and know all about this city, it's just some things I still don't understand. It is not 50 cents but I think 5 pesos they add on....I threw away the receipt now but I think yes, you have to return the bottles. Forget to ask my girl these things as she lives here but is working during the day and I am left to fend for myself lol.
I never wear anything union jack for the safety reason and the whole malvinas argument, but yes I do see many latinos wear it here..t-shirts and jeans with the logo on.
I believe I get looked at because I am a beautiful looking young gringo :) there seems to be many gringo looking woman here who I think are tourists but then speak Spanish and are in fact Argentina...but not so many men who look like gringos...and I do have red hair (what is left of it as I shave it very short ) so I guess I stand out.

A new problem has arose today. Just checked out of the hotel I was in for 2 weeks and now into a new one for 1 more week...anyway, the last hotel charged the rate at 1 USD to 8.48 pesos, but this one wants to charge at the higher blue dollar rate...I figured this out when the guy working nights quoted it to me last night as I said I would pay tomorrow and wanted to know the price.

Now I have read the reviews on the website and many have complained about this and ended up paying in the end, I however can not pay as I have the exact amount for this hotel and then the rest of the money which is very little is for food each day...what do you think will happen? I hope they let me off and accept this payment, they are after all performing a scam here....a few on the website said they threaten to call the police etc. I will ignore them for now and pay when I check out and say well this is all I have, what can they do but accept or arrest me. I wont be able to get the extra 1500 they want as my bank is empty of money...anyway they will have to accept this and realize that all the people they try to scam do not have money in the bank, especially as I have been here for 2 weeks already and spent it all lol.
Worst comes to the worst I will spend some time in jail here I guess and become a political prisoner lol
A new problem has arose today. Just checked out of the hotel I was in for 2 weeks and now into a new one for 1 more week...anyway, the last hotel charged the rate at 1 USD to 8.48 pesos, but this one wants to charge at the higher blue dollar rate...I figured this out when the guy working nights quoted it to me last night as I said I would pay tomorrow and wanted to know the price.

1) Do you realize that 8.48 is the official rate and not "a scam", right? You might call it a government scam, but your hotel is not scamming you.
2) Why do you change money at the hotel?!
3) Pay in pesos, exchange your USD at the blue rate in a cueva or arbolito. Your girlfriend should know better.
4) Red heads are quite uncommon here, very very rare. But not necessarily foreigner. However, if you have a milky skin, this could give you away.
No Serafina, I meant this other hotel I checked out of just charged me at 8.48 which is great...this new one wants to charge me at 14 or so whatever it is....I planned to pay in pesos but the guy quoted me about 1500 more than it is...well my information does not say this so I will argue and pay at the official rate. I change my money using azimo from the UK to here so get a good rate which I believe is similar to the cuevas but have never used one yet..I payed £1 for 21 pesos
I'm confused - is the hotel rate in dollars? And said hotel wants you to pay in pesos converted at the blue rate? What exactly does your booking confirmation say?
Enjoy the rest of the trip mate. My plane will probably pass yours as I'm off home to Blighty next month.
Use your charms on the 2nd hotel and explain that it's just not cricket.
Yes it is in US dollars in the email, and I said I will pay in pesos when I chose that option...this is from my email

You'll pay when you stay at Hotel You will pay the hotel in the hotel’s local currency (ARS) at the exchange rate on day of payment. VAT (21%) not include