Madeleine Halfbright is Jewish, not Christian, hates Serbs (said they're "disgusting") and doesn't kill in the name of Christianity. You have to be able to distinguish between wars in the name of religion and those that happen to be fought by the members of a particular religion. Saddam Hussein fought aggressively against all his neighbors, but I wouldn't call him a Muslim aggressor. Neither would I call Assad this. So, Camberiu, you need some classes in history or logic. Rwanda, Serbia, etc. were not religious conflicts.
GS, the crusades were a defensive reaction against Muslims conquests, and the point isn't whether they're being "used" by Islamists to justify their cause (they also want Spain back) but whether you believe it's legitimate to bring this up as an example of "Christian violence." Personally I don't see much Christian violence today, nor Buddhist or Hindu...there is some Buddhist REACTION to Muslim violence in Burma and so on, but they're trying to defend themselves. They're not rolling over like, it seems, people in the West are ready to.
Finally frenchie as for the Muslims being victims of Islam, I don't really know or care. It's not for you to tell Muslims how to interpret their own religion. Many Muslims worldwide support what we call "radical Islam" but which is possibly the true Islam. It really shouldn't be a concern of the West. The concern of the West should be the people who turned France into a "lab, frenchie, and allowed so many people from the 3d world (not just Muslims but others) to settle there. I have a feeling the French youth will soon bring the French elite who turned the French nation into a "lab" to a reckoning.