In What Neighbourhood do YOU Live?

My apartment is on Larrea near Santa Fe. Portenos would call that Barrio Norte. (I know, you didn't want to hear that term.) Officially there is no such thing as Barrio Norte, and the official map (if there really is an official map) places it in the Recoleta. Nothing is definite in Argentina.
I live in Las Cañitas, the best neighbourhood for restaurant.
We could plan a dinner here!!!!
Puerto Madero - Azucena Villaflor. Lived in Recoleta for a while when I first came here, liked it there better...
It's a bit lonely in Puerto Madero, isn't it? The few times I've been there in daylight, I've seen more policemen (prefectura, etc.) than residents.
I am actually living in South Africa and BA pretty much at the same time. PM is kind of isolated and boring, but it is insanely safe and easy to deal with. I spned most of my time in Palermo
Ah, ha! I'd supposed "nyc2sa2ba" to indicate that after living in New York city, you'd wandered through South America, then decided to settle in Bs.As.
"Safety" sounds good. Lack of it is one of my primary concerns in Latin America, though I've yet to have any greater problem than a single exorbitant taxi' ride.
I live in Cape Town and have an office in Johannesburg. I've been all around Latin America and have never felt as unsafe as I do in Johannesburg. Of course, I lived in NYC for 13 years and never felt "unsafe" there, so my radar my be a little high...
Quoting "nyc2sa2ba":
". . . . I've been all around Latin America and have never felt as unsafe as I do in Johannesburg. . . ."
Understandably. And not just in Jo'burg, perhaps: I've South African acquaintances who're seriously considering leaving the country -- after three and a half centuries.
No, I think that Argentina (and Chile and Uruguay) are reasonably safe. But I try to remain alert nonetheless.
I hear you. My primary mantra is that vigilance = safety. Avoiding doing dumb things (i.e. going to the ATM at 02h00) significantly increases your chances of being safe.