I would have loved to go but I do not support abortion ( nothing to do with religion ).
I have ambiguous feelings on abortion, but nothing to do with religion. I think abortion is acceptable up to a certain point of fetal development. But I do not support unrestricted and unconditional abortion rights. To me, aborting a 7 month baby with a defined and developed central nervous system murder. Aborting a bunch of cells without a clearly discernible central nervous system is not.
Claiming that a fetus is not a person until birth is as absurd as to claim that a human life starts at conception.
I would only support abortion under extreme cases like rape.
A woman who has been raped should be responsible enough to take a morning after pill and ensure that if she becomes pregnant and wants it aborted it should be done as quickly as possible before it develops and has a heart beat. I do not support abortion by a rape victim if they neglected to do everything in their power to find out if they were pregnant and act early on before the fetus developed (heart beat and brain development).Do you recognize the ridiculousness of that? Seriously. That is the typical bullshit sexist answer.
If you think abortion is murder then how is murdering an innocent baby begotten by rape acceptable? There is no difference between the fetuses. The only difference is how justified you feel in forcing a woman to undergo pregnancy against her will.
Product of Rape = "That wasn't her fault, let's let her off", Product of Consensual Sex = "That slut needs to learn that actions have consequences"
A woman who has been raped should be responsible enough to take a morning after pill and ensure that if she becomes pregnant and wants it aborted it should be done as quickly as possible before it develops and has a heart beat. I do not support abortion by a rape victim if they neglected to do everything in their power to find out if they were pregnant and act early on before the fetus developed (heart beat and brain development).
Lets be clear that women today who have the opportunity to abort using the latest methods also have the ability to use contraception, take a morning after pill and ensure if they do fall pregnant it is aborted before heart and brain development. An ignorant woman who instead fails to stop the pregnancy at any of those opportunities and chooses to abort later on after heart and brain development is sick and mentally damaged.
Those supporting a woman's right to a safe and legal abortion will meet at Bme Mitre and Callao at 16,30 hs and join the march. I'll be carrying this message: SAFE AND LEGAL ABORTION ON DEMAND and STOP VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN.
This is my first march ever. I decided what I wanted to say on a large sign that I'll carry. I went to the stationary shop to buy the materials I need -- a white poster board and a black dry marker.
It's not to late to make yours. Draw your message in pencil on the folded poster board. Use the marker to make it readable. Tape the top and side edges closed with wide tape. Insert a plastic broom handle inside the fold and tape it to the posterboard. Seal the bottom edge with more tape. You have a sign with handle to carry during the march from Congress at 17 hs to the Plaza de Mayo with thousands of women.