Internet Speed via Cable and Wi/Fi ?

Rich One

Jul 17, 2012
Perhaps some of you have had this experience . The Computer wired to the Modem has a Discharge Speed of 440 Mbps as contracted , whilst the notebook connected via Wi/Fi have a discharge speed of 20 Mbps..? Even when next to the to the Modem?

What can be done ? no signal booster can help? wire connect to other rooms?
Many thanks

  1. Who offers 5 GHz WiFi? in BA
  2. Tried download speed with Phone speed 28 Mbps. The phone is a different Provider..
I use the Notebook with WiFi to stream movies..!
Not all phones,devices support 5ghz...if it's fibertel you might have to access router and turn on 5ghz ...
It's not that simple.
Cable goes A to B, little interference / noise in between. Fastest.

Wifi has many factors. Simplest is the max capability of voth antennas, sender and receiver.
And the common ground for both.
While most wifi network cards and routers show around 300mbps, they communicate at 150.
The router might say it has 450 or more capability but then, connected to the wireless device NIC (network card) it only achieves a fraction of it, starting at the top speed of the other devices and slowing down to a decent transmision speed.
In windows, find you network adapter, right click, select Status and you'll see what is the speed used by the card.

Then, there are standards B, C, N and AC. The standard must be common to both devices (router, devices).
Fastest, newest ac router won't improve the speed of a B class ipod. Both will communicate at the slowest device speed.

Many devices on the same wifi will somehow slow traffic. The router must serve them all. That is why now you have dual band routers allowing fastest devices run in the fastest 5ghz band while legacy, older thingies use the 2'4ghz band.

Channels: routers have many channels to pick from. Same happens with your neighbors. Your traffic will run on the same lane as your neighbors, slowing both down, if you share the same channels.
Use a sniffer program to find a channel with less routers on it.
Research shared vs overlapping channels before you pick one.

I'm avoiding getting into too much detail, but as you can see there are many factors. Reflection, interference, etc are skipped.

No way wifi will match cabled speeds.

whilst the notebook connected via Wi/Fi have a discharge speed of 20 Mbps

if you observe 20Mbps this means that you likely utilize older 802.11g standard and 2.4GHz frequency.

You'd better make changes to enable switching to 5GHz.

If you use WiFi from your modem -- don't do this. Better buy dedicated WiFi router with multiple antennas and 5GHz support.
And connect this WiFi router to your modem via ethernet wire.
Then connect WiFi to this router, not to modem itself.
Yes and No.
General advise is good, better have your personal manageable router and home network instead of the one provided by the ISP.

Nevertheless, wifi speeds is a two parts (minimum) operation and most notebook wireless cards are NOT 5ghz capable. They are b/c and n standard (2.4) and not the newest ac(5).
Same goes for most cellphones.
Only the latest gen hardware can use the 5ghz band.

Most likely, your fibertel provided modem can offer both 2.4 and 5ghz bands, if the modem is less than 5YO, but your devices will join the one they can use. Just make sure you have both signals enabled. Not much elae for you to do.

Also, not all modems allow their bands to talk to each other. If you join the 5ghz with your phone but your smart tv or tv thingy is stuck to the 2.4ghz you might lose the ability to use the phone with your devices.

Oversimplified, very.

Rules of thumb, if it ain't broken it doesn't need to be fixed.
The best is the enemy of the good.
Try not to drown in complexity.
There might be a few things to be done to improve your current situation but you must first fully understand the problem and try to solve it one step at a time.

You got too much info already.

