Iphone 5 To Be Announced Sept 12!

I like your opinion there ElQueso about how long it takes and the education required to allow people of a country to run it for themselves.

I've often considered the similarities between colonisation and community development. While colonisation is considered 'bad' due to its exploitative nature, of which there is substantial evidence to support this throughout history, it is necessary if only to get fellow humans eventually up to speed with technology which will better there lives.

And while community development is considered 'good' due to its social justice and equality values these just cannot be slipped into a culture. It takes a long time and there is no handbook to equate for the barrage of clashes between the 'developing' culture and those doing the 'developing'. And, from my experience, there are plenty of bad people exploiting charitable folk and doing a 'bad' job of 'developing' communities.

That said, for me Apple products = People who have no knowledge of computers or communication technology and as long as they are happy with that labelling from me are free to go about their business as they see fit. A friend of mine has the more recent iPhone and he's as pleased as punch about it and I'm happy for him and he's happy with my pigeon-holing of his skillset.

Sadly though there are some very vocal Apple users who feel, quite incorrectly, that they are 'superior' due to the advertising campaigns which have been established over the years. There is no reasoning with them, we can only try to halt their efforts to propagate there fallacies onto others. Truth be told I reckon the next Heaven's Gate will be a bunch of apple users.
Yeah scottlyon, and I didn't touch on how I feel about Apple products either. Heh. I'm with you in large part.

I never had an Apple of any kind until I was given an iPad as a gift a couple of years ago (shortly after they came out).

My father did, but some time ago. He used to work for Western Electric and later AT&T and built his own PCs, so he wasn't a dummy about these things. He retired from AT&T and wanted to continue working; got a job for a tech company that was mostly using Macs in the office. He tried to switch from PC to Apple and couldn't stand it. That was enough for me.

I have sworn that I will not buy an iPhone, nor any upgrade to the iPad. My iPad is not much more than a toy, an expensive one (for those who have paid cash for it). I'd love to have a tablet, for example, that I could put all my programs and files on under a NORMAL situation without having to do anything special (like jailbreak the damned thing, for example, and possibly cause myself further problems in the future).

I don't know which tablet I'd buy today, because I don't really NEED one anyway. I use my iPad primarily for reading - and half the books I read are actually through the Kinder app and purchased through Amazon because the Apple store doesn't have a lot of titles from authors that I like to read.

That, and my family play lots of games as well.

I could go on and on about the differences between things such as Windows and what I've heard about the Mac OS, but there's one thing I KNOW as a developer of more than 20 years of experience - MS has done a SUPERB job of creating tools and APIs for developers to do some serious work, even down to creating multiple languages that are all compiled into the same intermediate language. Basic damned near as fast (if not actually AS fast) as C# - that means a lot to a lot of people. This allows for more developers to create more varied apps easier than any other operating system in the world. In addition, there are millions of third-party tools available that all use the same efficient framework and extends MS' original work vastly.

I've been doing PHP for a friend of mine for the past couple of years as well as my mainstay of .Net, and mixed with JS and other LAMP things, well, I know the difference between the confusion of the various LAMP paradigms and MS' suite of products pretty well. I'd choose MS over LAMP any day, as a developer, if I had the choice. I'm trying to convince my buddy to do future work in .Net. Hell, there's probably even a PHP pre-compiler available for .Net (there is for FORTRAN, I think PEARL and other older languages), although the PHP language itself does not lend itself nearly as well to object-oriented programming, as does C# and .Net Visual Basic.

But you may be right - I'm a technical user with technical needs. Others have different needs and ways of looking at things.
An element of the PC/Mac equation particular to expats in South America, especially Argentina:

PCs cost less, and create less of a risk of theft. Macs look like money to thieves, but they also have an astoundingly high resale value.

Also, I love the expose/spaces feature in Snow Leopard. It literally enhanced the quality of my life. The similar feature in Lion etc is less functional for me personally, so I'm still on Snow Leopard.

Finally, I realized that enhanced resolution in laptops makes it possible for me to work on a 17 inch machine, rather than lugging the external monitor. The new retina display Macbook pro is only 15 inch, and the older used 17 inches are still hideously expensive.

Finally, a lot of smaller external programs that companies use still won't work on Mac OS or Safari. I know you can get bootcamp etc, but it is just such a pain to reboot it and close everything up, especially when one realizes that all the work one did is lost because somewhere near the final click, things just stop working.

I think Apple is shooting itself in the foot in the long run by not keeping it's OS and hardware conducive to non-creative professional users. I'll most likely switch back for my next purchase. But it's a good bottom-line decision for them. I buy a computer every four or five years or so and run it into the ground. I guess they're more interested in keeping the fanbois/professional creative users.
HeyBA said:
The new retina display Macbook pro is only 15 inch, and the older used 17 inches are still hideously expensive.

Retina display is more apple marketing voodoo. I remember before HD tv's came. You could get CRT monitors that had a nice high resolution and loads of pixels per inch and you werent stuck with 1080i

also The Toshiba Portégé G900 Windows Mobile 6 Professional phone, launched in mid 2007, came with a 3" WVGA LCD having “print-quality” pixel density of 313 PPI.

iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and iPod Touch (4th generation) 326 PPI
Galaxy SIII 12 (4.8) 720×1280 306 PPI
PPI isn't that important and Sasung also make the apple iPad screens! :D

HeyBA said:
I think Apple is shooting itself in the foot in the long run by not keeping it's OS and hardware conducive to non-creative professional users.

Microsoft's "developer developer developer developers" mantra was good although have you seen the mess of windows 8?
ElQueso said:
I could go on and on about the differences between things such as Windows and what I've heard about the Mac OS, but there's one thing I KNOW as a developer of more than 20 years of experience - MS has done a SUPERB job of creating tools and APIs for developers to do some serious work, even down to creating multiple languages that are all compiled into the same intermediate language. Basic damned near as fast (if not actually AS fast) as C# - that means a lot to a lot of people. This allows for more developers to create more varied apps easier than any other operating system in the world. In addition, there are millions of third-party tools available that all use the same efficient framework and extends MS' original work vastly.

You, sir, speak the truth. Something far more important is happening on September 12 than the iPhone 5 release:


We get the next generation fo the the tools you so accurately described!
Well, it`s true that manymanymany other companies abuse People and rights too. However, I am tired of this old argument "we cannot change anything so lets be comfortable and just do whatever". I believe that it is only WE who can change something to the better. Look at Argentina for example. It is easy to project all responsibility to the government etc., but finally it is YOU who makes YOUR decisions. And yes, you have to make a start somewhere. And No, it does not ahve to be radical. If I would really need an iPhone I would buy one, but always take their attitude towards their suppliers into account. And suddently it is not as "cool" anymore to have a shinyshiny iphone. I think as a responsible buyer you ahve the opportunity to chose at least the least bad product and cirterias should not be only moral, but too pricing, censorship, product limitations, etc. As such, the iphone is a very lousy Product compared to the Samsung Galaxy e.g. Please keep in mind that I am/was a Apple user since 18 years and still have 4 Macs here in my personal office. But it jsut doesn`t justify itself anymore.