Thanks for the note 2Guys, I didn't realize about the itunes change on the latest 4s...but I would still stick with Androids for lots of reasons:
Does the iPhone 4s come with Flash support? - No.
So if your shiny new iPhone breaks for what ever reason can you get your personal data out?
-NO. The iphone 4s does not come with a micro SD card slot, Androids yes.
Why is this important? Well..having your data on your phones micro SD means that if your phone dies, you're most likely to be able to get your personal data out of the phone in a second, no need to run to a Mac center. Androids allow you to back up & store all your contacts, pictures, videos & other personal data to your phone's Micro SD card - you may not always have a computer handy.
If I need to browse the internet I'd much rather use an Android's 4.5" LCD as opposed to the iPhone's 3.5"...also a 4.5" LCD makes a big difference when you want to watch movies.
2GuysInPM said:
You can do all that with an iPhone; The 4s has a 1080p/30fps video, 8mpixel camera.
- Finally, but iphones don't have a decent flash, not very handy for night shots ..they still come with the old single flash. HTCs had the dual flash feature a year ago.
2GuysInPM said:
With iOS 5, iTunes is no longer needed to do updates, and a free app like USB Disk can give you access to store files on the phone and use it like a flash drive.
Good to, what if you loose your Apple
propriety USB cable can you just use a standard USB cable like all the others? -NO. Can your iPhone 4s connect to a Linux or win7 machine without the 'free' 'USB disk' app? -NO.
2GuysInPM said:
You can also buy factory unlocked iPhones in many countries, including the US, so you don't have to deal with jailbreaks and unlocks hacks.
Good. About time they caught up with the Androids.
2GuysInPM said:
Technically, there's very little (if nothing) an Android phone can do these days that an iPhone can't do... and vice-versa. The choice is more a matter of preference.
Well, like I said...I'd rather a 4.5" screen than an iPhone's 3.5"... I prefer using a standard USB cable in case I loose my Apple Propriety only cable & I need to charge up my phone! any standard mini USB cable is a 'charger' to an Android phone... I prefer using a Dual LED flash instead of the single flash on the iphone...I prefer Stereo sound recording with my HD video - No stereo recording on the latest iPhone 4s ,,...I prefer HTC's faster Dual core 1.5GHz processor for easy multitasking as opposed to a 1ghz on the iphone 4s...I like the option of an FM radio...I like to output my videos & pictures to LCD TVs & other external devices etc etc etc.
2GuysInPM said:
Android is more like Windows (highly customizable UI/UX, easily hackable, open platform, and you can install stuff from many sources), while an iPhone is more like a Mac (simple UI/UX, closed platform, controlled source for apps, etc.). The "Windows -vs- Mac wars" redux, but mobile.
IOS is a Free BSD Unix variant.
Android is nothing like Windows. Android is Debian Linux based.
Linux has been proven to be far more stable & secure on servers & PCs than windows.
'Open' does not mean, easily hacked. HTC for example encourages customers to only download apps from it's android approved 'Market' repositories. Also your apps can be automatically updated through these too.