Is it all that bad? Please say it isn't!

Read my message again, im not sweeping ANYTHING under the rug, like i said before, this country its not perfect but no country is and if you hate it that much just go home, i think that makes perfect sense.
No matter what country you are from or what country you live in you always have the right to be opinionated. Maybe you should lighten up a little and maybe, JUST maybe you could be "one of the friendly and warm people of Argentina.
so you mean that because other countries are in bad shape that makes it acceptable for argentina to be in bad shape.
Ok , its yet another example of the " Lo que pasa es que ....." excuse.
AGAIN. if people were to LEAVE , that wouldnt cure the ills that this country is suffering from. It would be akin to covering ones ears and humming "feelings" as loud as u can ......
aapietje said:
Im argentinian and im pretty much tired of reading some comments over here. My boyfriend is irish and my brother in law is DUTCH like you, they both live here. Life here its not perfect but its not as bad as some people say either, ive lived in USA, Holland, and Ireland, and these countries are not great either (especially USA) There is not such thing as a perfect country, of course some are better than others but they all have their pros and cons, I have lots of expat friends and they like it here. They all agree that argentinean people are very nice and friendly. You just need some tips and you'll manage after a while. For the people who keeps complaining about everything here i have one piece of advise: go home and dont waste your time over here anymore. The rest of ya are more than welcome.

Nice first post. If you're already tired of reading the comments here, do yourself a favor. Stop reading, get some rest, and leave us alone.

Not all foreigners like it here and most who don't leave within a year or two.

Argentine people in general are nice, including most of those I met in CF.

Folks in the province are a lot less stressed so they may seem nicer, but like most Argentines in CF, if a foreigner has problems they try to help.

They rarely tell them to go home.

We're not stray dogs.
of course you have the right to give your opinion but when EVERYTHING YOU SAY is bad then you should lighten up a little and maybe, JUST maybe you could be "one of the friendly and warm expats that come to Argentina and have a wonderful time"

PS: lots of kisses to Howard, Liam, Andrej, Niels, Jeroen, Kevin, Tim, Simon, Pieter, Maurice and Katherine!!! Hope ill see you all on friday!
" If you're alread tired of reading the comments here, do yourself a favor. Stop reading, get some rest, and leave us alone. "

If you're already tired of living here, do yourself a favor, stop posting comments, get some rest and go home.
nobody said anything about making it acceptable but like we say here "there is no worse deaf that the one who doesnt want to hear"...
aapietje said:
of course you have the right to give your opinion but when EVERYTHING YOU SAY is bad then you should lighten up a little and maybe, JUST maybe you could be "one of the friendly and warm expats that come to Argentina and have a wonderful time"

I suggest you read more before you continue to make sweeping genrealizations.

I've read almost every post here in the past five years. I can't think of even one expat who only had bad things to say about Argentina...even the member known as brocoli and tea.

If you really knew what you were talking about you would know that I love Argentina (with all of it's flaws) enough to ask to become a citizen.

Nonetheless, that doesn't mean I've always had a wondeful time.
Food is amazing, bars are amazing, beautiful buildings, beautiful people, cheap access to sporty stuff (gym, tennis, etc), to hospitals, culture. I have been here for three months and I'm lovin' it (yeah, I know it's too short, but c'mon I'm giving my opinion). Of course it had it's rough spots, but it all changes when you see things through different eyes. When I got here, I was suffering from the lack of good mexican food, from the lack of my type of milk (they don't have descremada deslactosada light as in my country), they don't have iPhones (seriously small things like that made me almost wanna cry)!! But they do have a lot of other things. For instance, I used to feel the government was involved in every single second of the people's lives, and though their dollar restrictions were stupid, but then I though "hey, the government is just doing what they think it's right for their people (regardless of other ulterior agendas). I wish my government did that". So, you need to come here with an open mind, but be cautiously informed: read all you can about renting laws, the dollar ban, the taxes and the inflation. That way you will avoid many of the sour moments many of us had to pass. Also read a few security tips (tips, not horror stories as the ones told here) that are really common sense. And that's about it. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time.
to those saying that the thread about crime should tell her what to expect, that is just wrong. that's a thread about people being victims of crime, hello, of course there're gonna be a lot of stories.
and 50%? please don't make up statistics. i know MANY expats living here that never suffered from a mugging or anything like that.
it seems that people like to scare the newcomers here