Is State Issued Morenocard About To Replace Intl Cards?

The Moreno Card will allow the government to subsidize the lower income sectors by returning the IVA or giving credits..? The Moreno card will give the opportunity to the "marginal" people to Own a credit card? Now CC are only reserved to the well off that have bank accounts, with all the benefits of discounts and no interest payments in 12 months?
Will I be able to get a Moreno Card ? :D
Why don't just skip straight to a tattoo on the forehead?

The big question here is whether it will indeed be the only 'legal' way to pay?
I'm now feeling uncomfortably numb.
The cash flow for the government would be huge if such a plan were implemented. I can see it now, retailers dying of old age waiting for the government to reimburse them for Moreno Card purchases. Withholding payments for any trumped up excuse. To be continued.
........................and Vlad The Impaler Rasputin Moreno pocketing the rest?
Nice move, forcing Visa and Mastercard to leave the country. Better to leave the credit card business in the capable hands of the government. Now every time you say something against Cristina, PUM! A charge of 5,000 USD will be added to your credit card and no one will explain why nor customer service will pick up the phone so you can request to cancel it.