Is State Issued Morenocard About To Replace Intl Cards?


Could you extend the scope of Argenta with less hassle than a new card and call it the card of the people?

And save time?

I'd be guessing, rule of thumb....when someone says 'could you just' i argue with them til they give me budget, time and resource! Dont know anything about argenta infrastructure or processes.
I have noticed they are now handing out government propaganda newspapers to all passengers flying on domestic Aerolineas Argentina... All articles were shouting how great the government was, how good the economy is, how great Chavez was, how good the Chinese think the Moreno card will be !! To make the guys read it they even plastered a nice lady in a bikini on the front page with a football/Messi story mixed in.
I think i read the banks gave some ground on commissions today, start of the end for the moreno kard.
Moreno wielding the big stick like a knight in shining armour to the rescue of the downtrodden consumer.
Ah now, apparently it is happening....if we are to believe whoever this k apparatchik is.

No dates or real details, sadly the media structure in this country does not facilitate politicians to appear before journalists with real questions, merely in front of state hired microphones. Would love to here someone properly interrogate these plans.