Peter Navarro releases mind-blowing third volume of report regarding depth of 2020 election fraud proving yet again that Trump’s victory was stolen bla bla bla etc
"we live and communicate here and avoid you. Go away. "
In other words, "I don't want to hear opinions I disagree with. That's what I call 'communication'".
Authoritarians simply can't compete in a Free Market of ideas.
Here is the thing. These people have cracked the code in a way.
One of Steve Bannon’s key insights, was that too much is the same as too little.
From the horse’s mouth:
Bannon seems to view the Democrats less as the opposition party than figures of fun. “The Democrats don’t matter,” he had said to me over our lunch. “The real opposition is the media. And the way to deal with them is to flood the zone with shit.”
Arguing with someone makes some sense as long as there’s some good faith in the process. Problem starts when there is a machine dedicated to pushing out bad-faith crap, all day, without fail. The moment you debunk one assertion - that the evidence at best does not support at all and at worst conclusively disproves - there’s 10 more coming at you, all said with the confidence and force of fact.
When the fellow you’re arguing with
is a troll that has no compunction about quoting it all to you, no matter how ridiculous, you have essentially 3 options, which really are 2, which essentially boil down to 1:
- Waste time - and more time - and still more time - debunking every single piece of garbage sent your way, like in the first quote. More on this later.
- If ever you tire of this - and if you are normal, you inevitably will - you will immediately hear the grown-up version of the schoolyard - “Scared of fighting me, huh?” - see the second quote.
- The only option you have is to eventually stop engaging, which is essentially a repeat of 2 but for good.
This is how arguing with trolls works.
The only winning move is not to play.
There is great importance in reaching those who can be persuaded, not to get involved in a cult that prioritizes loyalty to the cause above reason. For that, a periodic demonstration of the bad faith involved must suffice. Unless you get people who can make a day-job out of debunking this shit - that’s where responsible, trusted media comes in. That’s why Bannon hates it.
For an example of how this works, I will refer you to what may well have been considered one of the more grotesque single events of the year before the January 6 putsch. (Technically that’s already last year, but it appears that 2021 actually starts on January 20). I refer to when, in the middle of protests about George Floyd’s killing, after being ridiculed in the media for hunkering in the White House bunker, President Trump decided to show he’s in control. The way he chose to do this was by walking over to a church just across Lafayette Square and having his photo snapped with a Bible there. The area in the vicinity was full of people protesting peacefully and lawfully. There were
cleared out by force in a way that engendered immediate and sustained outrage. And predictably, Trumpworld responded with a volley of easily disprovable lies.
Tim Miller at the Bulwark
does a masterful job of firstly debunking the lies involved. But more importantly, once he’s done doing that, he dissects the entire process and purpose of the non-stop lying:
A few years ago David Frum
wrote about how gun-rights activists defend their turf whenever there’s a mass shooting. Rather than discussing the broad fact pattern, they beat the reformers to death with minutiae. “It wasn’t an automatic weapon, you ignorant slut. It was a semi-auto on burst-mode with a clip extender!” And then the two sides go round and round on what Armalite is until you turn into a corn cob and another school gets shot up. Rinse and repeat.
But whatever you think about the gun crowd, at least they know the technical details they’re talking about. The MAGA Pravda Gaslighters don’t even bother going that far. Like their leader, they’ve come to understand that the Big Lie doesn’t even have to be plausible.
Its power comes just from the act of speaking it out loud. It shows that the liar has the power and the listener does not. It gives the uneducated foot soldiers the only talking point they need to feel like they “won” the battle in the comments section on their niece’s Facebook post.
This isn’t an attempt to cover the government’s tracks. It’s just another assertion of dominance.
So yeah, we don’t have a problem with the free market of ideas (not “Free Market” - what’s up with the Trumpy random capitalization anyways?)
We do have a problem with the flea market down the road, where odds are you’re always getting a cheap knockoff, the plastic bags rip at the slightest pull, the perfume is actually cat piss mixed with vinegar, and the pudding... never mind.
That market can stand, mind you. Nobody is closing it.
But I’d stay away myself, and will sure let people know it’s a waste of your money, if not a health hazard.