It’s official Joe Biden becomes the 46 President of the United States.

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Well Joe Biden. is all for Inclusion of LGBT+....

Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary
Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine is poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
Well Joe Biden. is all for Inclusion of LGBT+....

Biden picks transgender woman as assistant health secretary
Pennsylvania Health Secretary Rachel Levine is poised to become the first openly transgender federal official to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

It's not just about inclusion; it's about making more trans kids. The activists want hormone blockers for minors without parental consent. Watch for it.
I respect your contributions to this site and would like to hear your opionion of Glen Greenwald. Do you have any recommendations of journalists or news sources that you consider trustworthy and unbiased?

I don't think Glenn Greenwald is wrong when the issue is foreign wars. In terms of starting foreign wars, Obama and Bush were indeed a lot more prolific than Trump ever was. My issue with Trump is on the "domestic wars" front. He was so divisive, so polarizing, so supportive of ultra-nationalist white supremacists, that he was tearing American society apart and potentially driving the country towards civil war.
I don't see American politics as Obama + Bush = Good and Trump = Bad (or vice-versa). The way I see it is that there was a traditional gang of criminals (establishment politicians) running the show and then a new hoodlum (Trump) showed up and tried to unseat those established criminals, not for the purpose of cleaning the town, but to have his own criminal empire instead.
They are all criminals, with different areas of expertise, period.
Genuine question Wade. Were you equally upset about the constant lies about Obama? Ranging from him being the literal anti-christ, setting up death squads to kill elderly relatives, being a foreign born muslim terrorist etc. Were you equally happy about the very good economy he and Biden developed?
You must've been looking at conspiracy theory sites. My concern was him telling lies to get Obamacare passed. Telling us Benghazi was due to a video on YouTube. Constantly interjecting himself into racially charged situations such as with Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin. As far as his economy goes much of it was recovery from the 2008 crash. Can you name specific policies he implemented to improve the economy? He put a lot of costly, often redundant regulations in place that hampered business. He printed so much money that our country's creditors started to threaten to not buy our bonds and to replace the Dollar as the reserve currency. His foreign policy cause the Middle East to melt down. But Trump also ran up huge deficits and if we don't get the spending under control we're possibly going to end up in an Argentina type situation ourselves. I don't care who's in office as long as they create an environment where businesses can thrive and our kids can find jobs. That they stop getting us into foreign wars and other debacles that solve nothing and increase the debt. From what Biden has announced about his first days I don't see a likelihood that we'll have that. By the way we've made commitments to protect Taiwan. If Biden is compromised it will become evident in how he handles China invading Taiwan if they do. And from their recent saber rattling that looks possible. And I don't consider Obama the anti-Christ. But he sure wasn't the saint or brilliant president the Left likes to portray him as either.
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