"It Might Be Time To Get Out Of Argentina"

Transport is very often, if not usually, for the purpose of getting to and from work. Public transport helps keep private cars off the streets, results in less congestion, a cleaner environment and generally more livable surroundings. In Argentina there are multiple privately owned bus companies (If I am not mistaken some owned by President Maci) that function not to serve the needs of the masses of working people but to make a profit with little regard for the convenience or comfort of the working or aged public. Unfortunately profit is the objective, not the public welfare. The same is true of intercity transport. Owners of micro companies and trucking companies pressure the government not to restore the once extensive intercity rail network. There is no excuse for the drastic decline in the number of trains and speed of trains between BA and Mar del Plata or Rosario, for example. The only reason is that the government lacks the will to do what they should be doing because they are tied to the interests of private business. The increasing cost of public transport as well as exceedingly high intercity bus fares have a very negative impact on millions of Argentines this public transport really does fall into the category of essential public services, just like health care. If not free, urban public transport should be very inexpensive. Intercity rail should be a major priority of the government and heavily subsidized for the public welfare.
If public transportation becomes free to all riders, from where do you invision the funds would come from to operate and maintain such a system?
Sergio -.... If not free, urban public transport should be very inexpensive. Intercity rail should be a major priority of the government and heavily subsidized for the public welfare.

I agree...this concept may be more conceivable.
What I do not understand is just a few months ago the world media was gaga about Argentina saying it was a excellent investment . The government also stated that it had healthy reserves of over 50 billion and now they are asking with a cap in their hand for a bailout from the IMF . Now the world media is very negative about Argentina and the situation has flipped 180 degrees . What happened ?
What I do not understand is just a few months ago the world media was gaga about Argentina saying it was a excellent investment . The government also stated that it had healthy reserves of over 50 billion and now they are asking with a cap in their hand for a bailout from the IMF . Now the world media is very negative about Argentina and the situation has flipped 180 degrees . What happened ?

You made the mistake of trusting the media
It should indeed be a free ride. Public transport should be either entirely run by the state or outsourced to a compay and 100% subsidized so that everyone rides free.
Who do you think pays for the subsidies and where do you think that money is coming from?" Government subsidies should be done away with.
A high inflation rate sucks the money that normally flows to consumption making harder for business to rise prices in the short term...

Has this textbook theory ever worked in Argentina?
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Has this textbook theory ever worked in Argentina?
Yes it does always work, is not this part that is not working, the part that does not work is that while they are sucking money from the market in one hand, with the other hand they print pesos to pay for public work cancelling in part the effect that the first measure produce.
You need to see the whole picture, is never so simple the economy ;)