It's As Cold As A Witch's Tit Today...

It's so cold it'll pucker a catfish's ass!

It's as cold as an ex-wife's heart!

It was so cold you could spit in the wind and get ice cubes!

It was so cold cow farts fell to the ground. Didn't thaw until Spring.

I have actually heard all of those in conversation. Why yes, I am from Alabama. Why do you ask? :)
We Canadians always say this on a cold day like today. What do you say in your home country?

Canadian, eh, Joe? That explains a lot.

And for most Canadians, this was a rather mild day, especially near the first day of winter. No? Certainly for the Canadians near where I used to live.
Canadian, eh, Joe? That explains a lot.

And for most Canadians, this was a rather mild day, especially near the first day of winter. No? Certainly for the Canadians near where I used to live.
Canadian, eh, Joe? That explains a lot.

And for most Canadians, this was a rather mild day, especially near the first day of winter. No? Certainly for the Canadians near where I used to live.
You're obviously not from Vancouver!
"A duck's cold" in French (Un froid de canard)... But why?! It's unsure why, maybe is it because a cold weather is better for duck hunting