Judgement Left Intact: Vulture Funds

Why does INFO BAE stopped publishing the Blue dollar rate? :mad:
Of course I dont have any prooves, but I do think that the UK (which in external policies are practically the same that the US, they always act together) pushed the junta miliutar to attack.
The same as nobody has prooves to Pearl Harbour and the theory that said that the US manipulated Japan to attack.

They knew the Junta needed consensus to govern, the Human Rights organisations were putting a lot of pressure to their government, plus, the situation in the UK was as well critical, Thatcher with very low popularity. The fact is that the war went perfect to the UK, just what they needed. The same with Pearl Harbour. There were no chance for the UK to lost that war, so they knew perfectly well what were doing. There was a lot of intelligence job, I bet they induced the Junta to take that decission.

The scenario of a desperate and stupid junta led by an alcoholic megalomaniac is more credible.
"[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]There were no chance for the UK to lost that war, so they knew perfectly well what were doing. "

Actually, the odds were very much against the British. It took the incredible amount of ineptitude in the part of the Argentine military to lose the conflict. [/background]

the UK was what? the third power military of the world? Plus with the help of the US!
They knew, they had intelligence here, of the Operacion Condor, they knew the cahnces for Argentina were few, they knew how many exocets we had, they knew the stae the army here, the marine, although we had an aircraft carreer it didnt get involved in the conflict.... they were a LOT more powerful, their planes, they were more preparred, more proffesional, they brought even a nuclear submarine! lot of the result of that conflict was determined by intelligence agencies, and the US intelligence agency did whatever they wanted here during the dictatorship. Here, in Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. Plan Condor, they were lords and masters in the region.

There were no chances for Argentina to win.
The scenario of a desperate and stupid junta led by an alcoholic megalomaniac is more credible.

the power than an english politician had in the world scenario .enough to provocate a war, cant be compared with an argentine politician. The UK is an empire, so they have colonial territories along the globe, plus they have power over lots of countries, they have intelligence, they have corporations, they have more power to decide destiny of entire populations, in Africa, in Europe, in America.... they work toghether with the US. So to me, its more probably that they managed to make the junta invade the falklands, just to invert their popularity...

the power than an english politician had in the world scenario .enough to provocate a war, cant be compared with an argentine politician. The UK is an empire, so they have colonial territories along the globe, plus they have power over lots of countries, they have intelligence, they have corporations, they have more power to decide destiny of entire populations, in Africa, in Europe, in America.... they work toghether with the US. So to me, its more probably that they managed to make the junta invade the falklands, just to invert their popularity...


Matías, you've been reading too much Galeano (and even he has backtracked recently).
Are you saying the US Supreme Court is not paid off ?....Just look at Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission
(The United States Supreme Court held that the First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting political independent expenditures by corporations, associations, or labor unions.)

Way behind on this thread, but yeah, another classic was the "corporations are people and have the same rights" ruling (which may or may not have been the same as this one? I can't keep up on my ridiculous american precedents).
the UK was what? the third power military of the world? Plus with the help of the US!

It was in a middle of a major economic crisis. They had just retired their last traditional aircraft carrier, the Ark Royal, and had to rely on two light carriers equipped only with what was considered back then a funny and unreliable contraption/scientific project, the Harrier jets. For bombers, they had the Vulcans, planes designed back in the late 1940s.
They also had to build a supply line that was 12,000 KM long, which they new they could not sustain for long periods of time. The British task force had with it just enough ammo, supplies and flue to last but a few weeks off the Falkland's coast. They had to either land or retreat.
Argentina, on the other hand, had at the time the most advanced military of any non-aligned nation. The Skyhawks, Mirages and Daggers had just been proven in great combat planes less than 10 years before, during the Yom-Kippur conflict. The navy operated one of the most advanced combat system in the world, the combination Super Etendard/Exocet, that had just entered in operation in France 2 years before the Falkland conflict. It was something so incredibly advanced at the time, that even the British had nothing comparable on their arsenal back then. Argentina also had very modern german submarines and torpedoes, and had the Argentines used them correctly, they could have sunk the entire British task force. All of that operating just a few hundred kilometers from the Argentine coast.

The iron lady took a tremendous political risk by trying to retake the island by force, as it was as far from a "sure thing" as one could get.
Cronista: Blue @12.40

It was in a middle of a major economic crisis. They had just retired their last traditional aircraft carrier, the Ark Royal, and had to rely on two light carriers equipped only with what was considered back then a funny and unreliable contraption/scientific project, the Harrier jets. For bombers, they had the Vulcans, planes designed back in the late 1940s.
They also had to build a supply line that was 12,000 KM long, which they new they could not sustain for long periods of time. The British task force had with it just enough ammo, supplies and flue to last but a few weeks off the Falkland's coast. They had to either land or retreat.
Argentina, on the other hand, had at the time the most advanced military of any non-aligned nation. The Skyhawks, Mirages and Daggers had just been proven in great combat planes less than 10 years before, during the Yom-Kippur conflict. The navy operated one of the most advanced combat system in the world, the combination Super Etendard/Exocet, that had just entered in operation in France 2 years before the Falkland conflict. It was something so incredibly advanced at the time, that even the British had nothing comparable on their arsenal back then. Argentina also had very modern german submarines and torpedoes, and had the Argentines used them correctly, they could have sunk the entire British task force. All of that operating just a few hundred kilometers from the Argentine coast.

The iron lady took a tremendous political risk by trying to retake the island by force, as it was as far from a "sure thing" as one could get.

In effect, she did the right thing for the wrong reasons, but had Argentine ineptitude on her side.
So just a few facts about the Argentina debt and vulture funds (and sorry for interrupting the fan posts for the iron lady and about the malvinas):

1998 Argentina depression started
2002 Default
2003 N. Kirchner gets elected
Argentina starts negotiating to refinance the dept.
2005 First agreement with creditors to refinance debt is reached
2008 Vulture funds start buying old bonds at around 1/17 of the value from Argentina's creditors
2010 Second agreement with creditors is reached
Creditors of 92% of the debt have agreed to the refinance offers

Vulture funds request Argentina to pay full value of bonds. For example NML Capital (based in the tax haven Cayman Islands) who bought the bonds for 48 million USD requests payment of the full value of 832 million from Argentina.