Juice Bar


Jul 31, 2007
Hello all, just wanted to get some people's opinions as some of you are and have been my customers in my current business, I am thinking of opening a small juice bar in the Congreso area where I live now, I know there are a lot of tourists in the area, and a few expats living there, I already have the location, Montevideo & Rivadavia, would be for late 2011 or early 2012, so just wanted some of your input.
I know this location well and feel its a great spot due to its proximity to many hostels and new hotels in the neighbourhood.

Plaza Congreso imho has the potential to be the best plaza of Buenos Aires and has wide footpaths and great possibilities due to its historic architecture and the reopening in the near future of the Stunning Molino Cafe.

Good luck David in your new endeavour.
igor said:
By the Wimpy ice cream place?

Right around the corner from Wimpy, in the middle of the block. Montevideo between Rivadavia & Bartolomé Mitre. The local is a bit small but I think for a juice bar it would be okay, it even has a small patio in front so I could put 2 or 3 tables outside.
Si, si, do it! I live on Rodriguez Peña and Sarmiento, and would be a frequent customer (what I wouldn't give for a decent beet-carrot-ginger juice about now...)
Mmmmm, I remember drinking all of those savory mixed juices when I lived in New York City. There are soooo many juice bars there. Well, if I can get past all of the red tape and find a good business partner I will definitely do it. Stay tuned.......
Has anybody found a place in Bs As besides that wonderful store Pura Vida that makes carrot juice? I am going to start visitng the few and far between juice bars in Bs As to get some ideas. The closest things I have had here to juice have been fresh squeezed orange juice that has been suspiciously sweet (I was told they add sugar) and liquados, which they insist on making with bananas, milk, sugar then add in a few other pieces of fruit. I recently went to Havanna and they were offering fruit "frappes" in 2 flavors, frutos rojos and maracuyá. When I saw them prepare it they put about 10 ice cubes in the blender, along with 4 tablespoons of sweetend thickened fruit concentrate, added water and voilá a $17 peso "fruit" frappé made with absolutely no fruit. Reminds me of "country time lemonade" that my baseball coach used to give us to drink in summer back in the 1970s. The can said "that old tyme country style lemonade" then in very fine print below, it said "does not contain any lemon juice"
Buenos Aires Verde offers fresh, organic carrot juice, as well as beet, apple, pear, a few others.