Just a reassurance for Visa Runners to Colonia

steveinbsas said:
When did she go to migraciones? Was she here for 90 days, then made the trip to Colonia, and then went to migraciones? At that point did she receive an ultima prorroga of 90 days?

If that' the case, isn't it better to go to migraciones prior to the end of the first 90 days and get the additional 90 days? After that go to Colonia...or won't it matter now?

In other words, is a maximum stay of 180 days now being enforced?

She was here for 180 days, they gave her 90 days ultima prorroga.
It is a bad idea to go to Colonia because they might deny your entry (read decreto 616-2010). She went there because she didn´t want to be "illegal". At least at DGM you are still in.

Bajo_cero2 said:
She was here for 180 days, they gave her 90 days ultima prorroga.
It is a bad idea to go to Colonia because they might deny your entry (read decreto 616-2010). She went there because she didn´t want to be "illegal". At least at DGM you are still in.


Could you please clarify the sequence. Was she "here (in Argentina) for 180 (consecutive) days" and then went to Colonia? Did she actually get a 90 day extension at migraciones before her first 90 day visa expired and then did she receive the ultima prorroga upon her return from Colonia?
No, she was here 90 days, then she went to Colonia and got another 90 days, then I told her to do not go to Colonia any more (I know her from the milonga), so she didn´t want to be illegal so she went to DGM, and there they said, last time girl, and stamped her "ultima prorroga 90 days".

Steve, I send you by PM her FB contact if you want to double check.

yep, that's exactly what I mean.

Or like the "touristvisanotextended" who is a new poster that claims to be American yet I would happily bet my last dollar is not from the US b/c clearly ESL.

just sayin'.... :rolleyes:
citygirl said:
yep, that's exactly what I mean.

Or like the "touristvisanotextended" who is a new poster that claims to be American yet I would happily bet my last dollar is not from the US b/c clearly ESL.

just sayin'.... :rolleyes:

I searched that nickname and there is no thread with this user.

I have 3 suggestions, and I am serious about this:

1) Why don´t you go to Colonia to find out what is going on, bring us some feedback. This way you take some responsability intead of just sayin´.

Because if some people trust you and they go to Colonia and .... ups, you were wrong, what are you going to do about it? Nothing.

By the way, have you read decreto 616-2010? Of course not.

2) Why don´t you come to Loyola 828 on saturday or Tuesday after 11 pm. Try to do not walk though the dance floor while we are dancing.

You know, tango is a worldwide community were nobody feels expat, they are more Argentinos than mate, I can introduce you Michael (the American guy I mentioned regarding the other ultima prorroga issue) and Katerina (the greek girl who made the mistake of going to DGM because she wanted to be legal). I can probably introduce you another 20 expat friend of mine who are dealing with this issue too. If you want to go late to bed, after 3.30 we can go to La Viruta and there should be another 20 more.

Don´t you see that for us, the Tango community, this decrete is a disaster because 80% of a milonga are immigrants and turists? Our dance partners, our girlfriends, friends are foreigners and immigrants.

3) You know, I have some experience in forums, one of my hobbies is related to planted aquariums. I have the most read tread in spanish (over 130.000 reads) which had been translated to 11 languages. Just google Metodo de los Desequilibrios Controlados or Method of Controlled Imbalances (The english version) if you feel like. And I can tell you, I don´t like keyboard´s generals. So, you are skeptical, great, use it in a productive way: As soon as I have some time I am going to meet the people who wrote the decreto 616-2010, why don´t you come with me to the meeting? And after that, start a thread and give your feedback from something called reality instead of just sayin´.

1) Thanks for the suggestion but my visa is all taken care of :) And yes, I have read the decreto. I am just relating my personal experiences and no one I know has had any problems. So from a sweeping change in policy - I'm just not seeing it. There have been a few posts on here but no one I know has had any problems. Again, time will tell.

2) Thank you for the offer but my two left feet make me a liability on the dance floor :eek:

3) I'd like to think I do contribute some occasionally useful things on this forum;) And I will ask my lawyer the next time I see him, since we are in the process of registering the company to employee extranjeros, we spend a lot of time at migraciones!
I though so.
I was at DGM this morning. They told me the following:
a) There is no way they can track you if you don´t go to the border or to DGM;
B) It´s up to each Migration Inspector how to enforce the new decreto, there is no one guideline or order about it.
First of all, I actually am the american who bajo cero referenced from the milongas. I created a new account, because my old account showed my real last name, and as i might find myself temporarily illegal in this country, i did not want my last name to be linked to these conversations via google. Please, keep my last name confidential if you know it.

So, The 3 known "ultima prorroga" cases seem to be: a) touristvisanotextended "G", b) bajo cero's "Ekaterina", and c) "married tigre guy who had been here 5 yrs". It will soon become evident if these three cases were anomalies or if they will become de rigueur.

I plead once again for complete information of "ultima prorroga" or "tourist visa" stamps for people who have been here over 6 months and have renewed in the last week or will renew soon. Please state:
1) when they got their visa stamp?
2) how long had they been in the country as tourists previously?
3) what country are they from?

(dont make steveinbsas follow up by asking you for all the details)
city girl - i accept your wager. All your base are belong to us. I will pm you my contact information and a way to verify who i am without having to come to a milonga.

to bajo cero:
its in human nature that often we: 1) shoot the messenger when we dont like his message. 2) are resistant to change 3) are wary of people who stand to have a financial gain.
my advice: don't take any of these normal human traits personally, expect them, and have patience. the information, perspective, and legal strategy that you have brought to this forum are greatly appreciated by me and i am sure many others. if city girl spends 2 minutes checking out what i send her, i expect that she will post an apology to YOU about what she didnt say but rather implied.
touristvisanotextended said:
First of all, I actually am the american who bajo cero referenced from the milongas. I created a new account, because my old account showed my real last name, and as i might find myself temporarily illegal in this country, i did not want my last name to be linked to these conversations via google. Please, keep my last name confidential if you know it.

So, The 3 known "ultima prorroga" cases seem to be: a) touristvisanotextended "G", b) bajo cero's "Ekaterina", and c) "married tigre guy who had been here 5 yrs". It will soon become evident if these three cases were anomalies or if they will become de rigueur.

I plead once again for complete information of "ultima prorroga" or "tourist visa" stamps for people who have been here over 6 months and have renewed in the last week or will renew soon. Please state:
1) when they got their visa stamp?
2) how long had they been in the country as tourists previously?
3) what country are they from?

(dont make steveinbsas follow up by asking you for all the details)
city girl - i accept your wager. All your base are belong to us. I will pm you my contact information and a way to verify who i am without having to come to a milonga.

to bajo cero:
its in human nature that often we: 1) shoot the messenger when we dont like his message. 2) are resistant to change 3) are wary of people who stand to have a financial gain.
my advice: don't take any of these normal human traits personally, expect them, and have patience. the information, perspective, and legal strategy that you have brought to this forum are greatly appreciated by me and i am sure many others. if city girl spends 2 minutes checking out what i send her, i expect that she will post an apology to YOU about what she didnt say but rather implied.


I've been trying very hard to make sense of both of your posts. Unfortunately I cannot. They actually haven't been helpful but have left me more confused. In your first post you mention "G", in the second you then mention that you are the person Bajo was referring to....well in which post? Who's Ekaterina? Can you clarify? You may have some really helpful info here but it's almost as if you're typing 100 words per minute and not reading what you write.

Can anyone else make sense of this?:confused:

ETA: I think I get it now. Although a synopsis would be cool.
LAtoBA said:

I've been trying very hard to make sense of both of your posts. Unfortunately I cannot. They actually haven't been helpful but have left me more confused. In your first post you mention "G", in the second you then mention that you are the person Bajo was referring to....well in which post? Who's Ekaterina?

I think this is the post:

Bajo_cero2 said:
Ok, I am receiving some feedback. I had 2 cases where they got an "ultima prorroga 90 days" stamp.

So seems they are enforcing it in a nice way.

According to decreto 616-2010 they might deny the entry or to give 30 days in order to regularize you immigration status.

However, at D day plus 1, the deportation procedure should start.

One of them, a greek girl, she went to the DGM building. She went to Colonia once, so she has been here for 180 and she received another 90 days.

The other case, I don´t know the details, it was mentioned to me from an American Guy, he told me he is going to start a tread about it.