Rich One, it's always so much easier to tell other people that it's their duty as a human to help refugees than to look at the reality of the situation and sympathize with those who may be adversely affected. Of course, if governments were what everyone says they are, the governments themselves would race to use all those concentrated resources they have available, garnered from the concentrated power and wealth they accumulate from their constituents, that one would think they could do something about the problem, but that often doesn't happen does it? Like, maybe, they could send some boats to the islands to take the people off and find some unused area somewhere and put the refugees up for a time until things got straightened out maybe. But governments don't often move very fast on things like this. Let the people on the spot deal with the issue, no matter how it affects them.
And of course, if the governments of the affected people who are being "invaded" were all governments in general are cracked up to be, they would at the very least pay back the people who were "invaded" for all of the money that they lost due to the "invasion", given the inability to make much money because others don't want to go vacation in places that are being invaded (yeah, oh what terrible people), since the government were unable to make things so "fair" for their actual constituents. But that ain't gonna happen, I'm betting, whether we are talking about their local national government or the uber-government that sits on top of them as the EU. No, they are going to be expected by "everyone else" who isn't there to absorb much of these costs. (Didn't Argentina do something similar when they asked many of these very same people to shoulder their own burden by forcing investors [again, those horrible rich people] to receive a 2/3 cut of the value of their retirement investments when Argentina defaulted on its debt in 2002? Seems I remember a large amount of Greek retirement funds being screwed over in all that).
And all those "rich" people who can afford to go to the Greek islands and laze in the sun all day and drink ouzo at night under the Mediterranean stars, footloose and carefree? Yeah, sure, there are a number of rich people who make those trips - but I know from personal experience that a lot of other people (maybe the majority of those vacationing there?) save a long time to make such a trip and are spending every centavo carefully in an attempt to get something big out of their life, some of them maybe it's their single chance as far as they know and they've been planning this trip all their lives.
But that's OK. It's easy for others to sit back and tell those Greek business owners that they just have to deal with that because these are refugees. If that's really the case, I sure hope the very people who are complaining about such a crass attitude on the part of the local business owners are doing something to put their own money or time on the line to help out with this as well. After all, we are all humans together on this planet. Something tells me this isn't going to be the case.
I don't think there's much good that can come out of any of this, at least in the short term. But the truth is to completely discount the Greeks who are being "invaded" and the "poor rich" who are affected by this, is pretty damned crass in my opinion. Just as the refugees from ISIS didn't ask for their lot in life, neither did those who come from other parts of the world and are being affected by the refugees' plight didn't either.
I don't know what the answer is in a case like this, I just wish people wouldn't be so fast to accept the redistribution of wealth so easily and hiss at those who actually think maybe that's not fair either. But too many people in this world today think that this redistribution is just absolutely long as they think it's a good idea, to hell with what others think. Too many people seem to think they have the moral high ground and therefore some kind of right to demand things of others and ridicule those who don't agree as somehow being less than human.