Lanata No Mas?!

Its maybe an alteration of how democracy was thinked, but this is the real world, you expect to some poor guy, who makes 2000 pesos/month sit and think "this government is arrogant and puts dollar restrictions", etc, no, they vote according what he can gets in short and medium term. That guy has a lot of subsidios, from his expenses to transport, etc, HUGE subsidized.
Its maybe an alteration of how democracy was thinked, but this is the real world, you expect to some poor guy, who makes 2000 pesos/month sit and think "this government is arrogant and puts dollar restrictions", etc, no, they vote according what he can gets in short and medium term. That guy has a lot of subsidios, from his expenses to transport, etc, HUGE subsidized.
No, the K government instead fills their heads with "Only the Miami Cheto crowd (wealthy & spoilt middle class Argentinians living in Recoleta) care about the dollar value"...what they don't tell the poor is that without the dollar we can't even import toilet paper. :eek:
Its maybe an alteration of how democracy was thinked, but this is the real world, you expect to some poor guy, who makes 2000 pesos/month sit and think "this government is arrogant and puts dollar restrictions", etc, no, they vote according what he can gets in short and medium term. That guy has a lot of subsidios, from his expenses to transport, etc, HUGE subsidized.

There's a huge difference in subsidising electricity, food, transport etc and directly giving cash/food to vote/protest etc as seen in the video i posted.
Clientelismo is well extended along the conurbano, it is very common to find punteros in that huge zone of poverty. When a mother has her child with fever at 3:00 AM, does she take him to a Hospital? No she takes him to the punteros house in the block, they transfer the problem to the puntero, and the puntero gives her a solution. It is more than a pair of sneakers or a choripan that get votes. The punteros are deeply immersed in the reality of this people. As I said before, theres no better explanation for the punteros than a simply exchange of favours.
Exchange of favours happens in politics, it is very common, its the only way it works. It wrks like that in the empresarios world and in the poverty world. And the middle class too, with the money spent to the docentes, for instance. So you cant consider peoples vote by a chori or cash or sneakers, or other stuff. There are lots of people that got a house from this government, and life for them is cheap. Yes, inflation, etc, but for them, they can live with much less money we can.
There are lots of exchanges being done, its not only in the elections time, the punteros are a density net around the conurbano...
Ejcot, that video illustrates it perfectly. Thanks! Excellent! Unfortunately I don't think Bajo & Matias apreciate it being posted here! :D

NEWS FLASH: Cristina Baez de Kirchner is now going to use the Ley de Medios Law to put a filter on youtube videos :eek:!

On second wouldn't shock me to hear.
I never ever read anywhere of any government in any country that blamed the country´s problems and miseries on a news/media group. With this being the K´s biggest cause, everything is said and done. I have nothing else to add to this ridiculous media law. As if that was one of the country´s main issues!
I never ever read anywhere of any government in any country that blamed the country´s problems and miseries on a news/media group. With this being the K´s biggest cause, everything is said and done. I have nothing else to add to this ridiculous media law. As if that was one of the country´s main issues!

so you dont think that the media is a political (important) actor? you dont think that the media overthrows governments? do you know of Clarin with Alfonsin or Clarin with De la Rua?

Any country were you can be kidnapped, torture, jailed and killed without even a fair trial is not a proper democracy.

Any country where corporacións can brive legally is not a proper democracy.

And what about those countries where there are masive spying of its citizens. Sorry, that is a police State.

So, again, bla.