Lanata No Mas?!

Jajajajaja, you are nuts or high or both.
Actually, you know how in another post I asked you if you had considered giving up your day job to work in stand up comedy?
Well, about the cirKus? As the Klown? :eek: :D :rolleyes: ....Just kidding.
so you dont think that the media is a political (important) actor? you dont think that the media overthrows governments? do you know of Clarin with Alfonsin or Clarin with De la Rua?
Of course it is. It is the fourth power worldwide! All governments have to deal with media scrutinizing, etc. Apparently K´s cannot take it. I am just saying that in a developing country, there are many other matters that are much more urgent.

Any country were you can be kidnapped, torture, jailed and killed without even a fair trial is not a proper democracy.

Any country where corporacións can brive legally is not a proper democracy.

And what about those countries where there are masive spying of its citizens. Sorry, that is a police State.

So, again, bla.
I am confused here... are you talking about Argentina or where? Cos as far as I know all of those things happen here as well.
And just so we are clear. I do think the law is important, but in a country with corrupt justice and government makes no sense right now. Just like many others. It is just pure theory. Remember the one law regulating health insurance? and so many others. A government that is out of touch with reality, that thinks everything is going great, is worried about media monopolies, etc? With children dying like roaches in the northern provinces, drug dealers taking over the entire country, this law was not necessary, but most important , this law should not cover up for all the govt f**k ups and the fact that they lost more than half of the support they once had.
I am confused here... are you talking about Argentina or where? Cos as far as I know all of those things happen here as well.

Indeed, you are.
No Guantánamo here.
No legal lobby here.
Snowden didn t work for the local secret service.

Argentina was like that in the 70'. We sent the State terrorist to jail. The American society is one million miles from that.
With children dying like roaches in the northern provinces, drug dealers taking over the entire country, this law was not necessary, but most important , this law should not cover up for all the govt f**k ups and the fact that they lost more than half of the support they once had.

You are missinformed, since 2001 up to 2013, children mortality fall 27% according to UNICEF.

We are , what is the excuse of the US for being 34 on the ranking and being the first world country with the highest rate of child mortality?

I understand you think that an anti trust law isn't innecesary, well, sorry but argentines understand how important is freedom of press for democracy.

Again, it is democracy, you like her or not, she won the elections with about 53% and her Presidency is until 2015.
Indeed, you are.
No Guantánamo here.
No legal lobby here.
Snowden didn t work for the local secret service.

Argentina was like that in the 70'. We sent the State terrorist to jail. The American society is one million miles from that.
You are dead on right, we sent the state terrorists to jail and the Montoneros - equally terrorist - to the government. Like it or not I think we are ruled by ex terrorists.
You are missinformed, since 2001 up to 2013, children mortality fall 27% according to UNICEF.

We are , what is the excuse of the US for being 34 on the ranking and being the first world country with the highest rate of child mortality?

I understand you think that an anti trust law isn't innecesary, well, sorry but argentines understand how important is freedom of press for democracy.

Again, it is democracy, you like her or not, she won the elections with about 53% and her Presidency is until 2015.
Wake up! You fail to see you are not living in a democracy, more like a democrazy. It is in reality a dictatorship that used to be supported by 54%.... not anymore.
Wake up! You fail to see you are not living in a democracy, more like a democrazy. It is in reality a dictatorship that used to be supported by 54%.... not anymore.

Dictators care about the day by day support of the generals, companies, the US or the people, depending the kind of dictatorship.
Democracies, instead, the President is the President until the end of the term.

You can read your speach on the newspapers of the 70' when dictators based his power on the humor of his officers on a daily basis.
Bajo cero, sadly you are right about many things you say about the US becoming a police state, fake democracy and all that. Again it's sad but you're right. It's one of the reasons I dislike Obama so much. He fools people into believing he's a savior when he's just another Bush with a different t shirt. That being said, the fact that our situation back home sucks doesn't mean you have to be so passionate about defending the K people. Sure they might not be 100% bad, but they also lie a lot and they did the whole vote buying thing apparently. You need to try to be objective. This isn't we're good they're bad. This isn't a Argentina vs US in the world cup. This is a situation in which we BOTH have governments that are not what they claim to be and the bottom line is that both Argentina and the US deserve better governments.