laptop customs -tax? Thow box?


Oct 1, 2010
hi all!
I'm in heathrow airport. Just bought a laptop. It's in the box. If i keep it in the box am u likely to get a tax bill when u get to BA?

Have you evè had trouble like this?

If so please let me know and i'll throw away the box and reciept , don't want to get in trouble

Depends if you are Argentine or British as to hastle, but best thing is to lose the box, and ensure there is something personal on the machine... You have 15 hours of travel toi do something :)...... Odds are low they will ask, but naturally, its your own personal machine.....
I'd bring it in without the box, just to be on the safe side. Hang onto the receipt; just stick it in your wallet.
The hard drive started ticking when I was waiting at the gate, ran back and returned it! Wish Id done a swap now!

Going to order a 20 dollar, very broken one online and see if it gets seized....