How old are your kids? If the basic foundation has been laid for their english then I'd say you're going to be ok if in the short term you reduce their english language input -- that doesn't mean that you necessarily need to reduce their output always though -- maybe you need to mix up the rules more, kids can speak english to you but you're only allowed to speak to them in spanish, kids love having a bit of control so they will probably keep you on your toes teling you "En espanol!"
I do have to say though the most annoying thing is being corrected constantly while trying to express yourself. My husband and I said long ago we'd no longer do that unless it was requested -- because it just gets too annoying. If, after you complete your thought, they correct you, it's slightly less anoying -- but mid-sentence is the worst. I still make lots of mistakes in my spanish and it can drive me nuts when I'm just trying to communicate and someone jumps in and corrects me. The other day I was showing a fellow mum the conversation I had had on paper with the teachers at daycare about whether there were fights going on at daycare -- my son had come home with bite marks on his back and told me he doesn't like one of the other boys "porque me pega en los ojos"! So obviously to me what was more important was showing the message I had sent -- however the mum immediately pointed out that I said Thomas dijo instead of Thomas me dijo -- yeah well, you know what? I also had put the date as the 12th of may when it was the 9th -- I obviously wasn't exactly paying attention when I wrote it! So I think people need to know where the line is for correcting / not and frankly whereas with the example above I held my tongue, had it been my husband who corrected me in that moment because of it being your pareja it can quickly escalate into a fight "that's not the point! listen to what I'm trying to say!" blah blah blah...
Thanks. My kids are 6 and 3 years old. Both were born in the uk but the youngest came when he was a baby. So the eldest had a good grasp of English and hes still good, although his spanish is better. Youngest understands English but only speaks a few words, its mainly spanish although he is behind other children. Probably the multi-lingual parents is holding him back a little.
I`m actually still at the stage I welcome being corrected, because i`m so basic in conversation I need to and it takes me a few seconds between words to think of the next one. I can pretty much read and understand spoken when its clear or slow. But when someone speaks normally it just goes through one ear and out the other, thats why i`m so frustrated with the whole learning thing, before I came to Argentina i thought i`d be able to hold a small conversation after a year, but its been much tougher than i expected and after a couple of years i`m not even at that stage. Practicing is the key but i just havent had the chance due to work/family commitments. But now i`m really getting to the stage when I`m embarrased to say i`ve been here a few years and i`m not understanding most things said to me.
I think like someone said practicing everyday is so important, I seem to be doing it every few days or when I have a lesson and then I switch off and carry on with work or kids which is having a negative effect on my spanish. I dont think its helped that this spanish teacher started with a book of verbs and has continued with it, i just feel like i have 100s of verbs to learn and all their past, present and future permitations before I can get the confidence to hold a decent conversation. I know thats not the case, but it feels like it sometimes.
It sure aint easy.