Leaving Argentina: The Great Escape

Will you be leaving before Summer? (i.e. do you still have my fan?) Do you need someone to buy a ticket on a CC for you and you pay them cash? or do you want to pay cash directly to the airline co?
Will you be leaving before Summer? (i.e. do you still have my fan?) Do you need someone to buy a ticket on a CC for you and you pay them cash? or do you want to pay cash directly to the airline co?

Hey! I was gonna PM just now! I have the fan for you yes. I'll be leaving late next week possibly if my friend that's lending me the money can get things figured out tomorrow.

I've found a ticket for 11,000 ARS but the travel agency needs to confirm the booking tomorrow, otherwise the next available flight is 13,000 ARS. I can get the flight for 11,000 ARS if I can find someone who will take the cash in USD or ARS for it, since using the blue rate is cheaper than paying in USD cash (1,500 USD v.s. 11,000 ARS).
I just wanted to say please keep in touch, after we've followed your rather tormented journey in Argentina I'm sure we'd love to all know what happens next! Good luck. You'll catch the end of summer. Will you be staying there for a bit?
...Well, although this is true, I will say that Canada v.s Argentina, weather and interestingness aside, it's better in Canada.
I need stability to save up in dollars and that just isn't possible here in Argentina...
If by interesting you mean 'more like BA' you can go to the following:
A.. North End Winnipeg - Boring as it may sound, you can recreate the feeling of poverty and cultural divide living around Selkirk and Salter. Everyday can be an adventure with strange dialects to boot. It's like living near a villa :p . You too can feel your life threatened AND get robbed in broad daylight without much more effort than you would here. The upside is the cost of living is considerably lower than BA or TO.
B.. Different Parts of Montreal - you can feel like a foreigner in your own country! Yes, Montreal...part of Canada - but not so much. Craving that Italian influence? St. Leonard. Want to be cursed at for being a anglo foreigner? Go rural. Hope to be forced to speak a foreign language? Ask for a beer in Montreal East. You won't be bored with all the summertime festivals available; even walking down Rue Ste Catherine is like a tour of the world with every imaginable language being spoken day and night.

Oh Canada ;)
Most small to mid-size agencies should be ok with taking cash at the blue rate, certainly with someone they're a bit comfortable with.
Best of luck.
Maybe we'll meet again on Australiaexpat.com or Japanexpat.com
Meantime Toronto is a really great city, I hope you are able to enjoy it.
Good luck. :)