Let's have a (TEA) Party

By the way I detest the tea party movement and all that it stands for. Nothing but a bunch of reactionary middle aged white men with views ranging from Neo-KKK to religious extremism, nothing good can come from it. I have faith that the vast majority of American people will reject this bull, 2012 elections will see the tea party washed out to sea.
I actually can't believe that intelligent conservatives would support a group as extreme as the tea party. Not much different from Australian conservatives supporting Pauline Hanson in times past. It would be a little like non-conservatives supporting Michael Moore as a "serious" politician.

But then again, they did have Palin as a potential vice-president at one stage, so I guess anything's possible. :eek:
It's much more complicated and related to mentality.

'This here eddication' is not enough when China and India in 10 years each have 20 million Masters of Science in Engineering and Technology.

Against that the US of A. can show 120 million people who believe the Sun is orbiting the Earth.

In my younger days I used to admire the US companies for their drive.

When a competitor brought a better product on the market, the reaction was:
"Ha! in 3 weeks our R&D has an even better product ready and in 2 months we are selling it worldwide".

The last 25 or 30 years the reaction has been:
"Ha! in 3 weeks our lawyers have sued them for alleged infringements".
The competitors then counter-sue for other alleged infringements.

Waste of money, loss of competitiveness.

And there are many more problems, e.g. not being willing to buy one's own products because they are too expensive, ...
Philsword said:
By the way I detest the tea party movement and all that it stands for. Nothing but a bunch of reactionary middle aged white men with views ranging from Neo-KKK to religious extremism, nothing good can come from it. I have faith that the vast majority of American people will reject this bull, 2012 elections will see the tea party washed out to sea.

You've been watching Jon Stewart, it would seem. If you bothered to actually look into it, I think you'd find that rather than just middle aged white men (you say that as though it were somehow a bad thing, which tells me it's YOU who are a bigot) it also includes many young people who'd sooner not be pigeonholed into leftism by their professors, and working class black people who understand that the black community in america is only hurt by more handouts and government control. Hell, you don't care though, an influential conservative movement couldn't possibly be more than ignorant, racist yokels and angry old (white) men.
deeve007 said:
I actually can't believe that intelligent conservatives would support a group as extreme as the tea party.

Just what is so extreme about the tea party? Admittedly there have been some badly qualified candidates like Palin and O'Donnell, but what is so crazy about supplanting the Republican establishment that's increasingly indistinguishable from that of the Liberal Democrats?
CedarPawn said:
Just what is so extreme about the tea party? Admittedly there have been some badly qualified candidates like Palin and O'Donnell, but what is so crazy about supplanting the Republican establishment that's increasingly indistinguishable from that of the Liberal Democrats?
"Admittedly there have been some badly qualified candidates like Palin and O'Donnell" is a bit like saying you're "a little bit pregnant". ;)

And western politics is in general moving further right, not left. If there's more similarities between the major parties (similar situation can be seen in Australia) it's because they're all becoming more conservative. Politics in Oz is depressing for that very reason. If it wasn't for Obama in the US I'd make the same observations of the US, he's the only breathe of fresh air in that country at the moment. Unfortunately his ideologies have been supplanted by rationalisations of having to deal with political and ideological self interests from too many in politics.

In Australia this situation has seen the rise of left parties such as the Green Party, as traditional left/socially conscious people are left disillusioned by the major parties movement further to the right.

The world in general is becoming more conservative, the fear mongerers have achieved that goal at least.
CedarPawn said:
You've been watching Jon Stewart, it would seem. If you bothered to actually look into it, I think you'd find that rather than just middle aged white men (you say that as though it were somehow a bad thing, which tells me it's YOU who are a bigot) it also includes many young people who'd sooner not be pigeonholed into leftism by their professors, and working class black people who understand that the black community in america is only hurt by more handouts and government control. Hell, you don't care though, an influential conservative movement couldn't possibly be more than ignorant, racist yokels and angry old (white) men.

Actually I'm one of those middle aged white men and actually voted for Regan back in the 80's. These people are not really conservatives, they are in many cases extremists with very warped thinking. I think Ronald Regan would be to far to the left for most of these people. I think the threat they pose to individual liberties and freedom have been underestimated. Look up the positions of some of the leaders of this movement and you will see how far out they really are.

One of the looniest in this movement is Judson Phillips, who is considered one of the founders and is head of the tea party nation.

tp://joemygod.blogspot.com/2010/11/quote-of-day-judson-phillips.html, sounds a little inconsistent with democracy. Funny he's basically saying take peoples right to vote away doesn't say stop taxing them, i.e. would result in taxation without representation, gee I thought this is what the original tea party back in the 18th century was trying to end.

Another gem from the same guy is that the Methodist Church should be shut-down because it's a Marxist organization. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsme..._nation_founder_lets_get_rid_of_the_socia.php

I don't think people with thinking like this should be taken seriously, but the problem is they are by the GOP right now. I find this very alarming and I don't understand how any reasonable person could feel otherwise. I could add a lot more but this will suffice for now.
No matter which side you are on, it all leads back to education. Whoever wants change should educate themselves so that their voiced concerns appear thoughtful.

Not many people have a grasp on economics--or even on how government works. If the tea part sucks, learn about it and move against it. If far-left liberals suck, do the same.
I disdain the use of labels like leftist and rightwing. They generate more heat than light. Where, if anywhere, on that nomenclature do I lie if I have the following positions in re US politics..
1. I favor a fairer distribution of wealth so I support heavier taxes on the rich and and large income earners (e.g. higher income tax, capital gains tax and estate taxes). Corollary: I support "limited" welfare payment levels to the poor and unemployed so as not to foster dependency on state dole outs. I support spending on education, infrastructure and alternative energy development.
2. I favor immediate withdrawl of American forces from Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, etc and immediate cessation of foreign aid to those governments. I would redirect those resources to resolving the Israeli-Palestinian dilemma (to be used as carrot/stick incentives) although I oppose foreign intervention under the guise of nation building per se.
3. I support a woman's choice to abort, a gay couple's right to share all the benefits to which married couples are entitled and the death penalty under certain circumstances.
4. I am all for freedom of religion and speech, but am against government sponsorship of religion and gov't control of media.

Did I leave anything out?
salgueiro said:
I disdain the use of labels like leftist and rightwing.
So do I in truth. People aren't boxes, and funny enough they can change over time if they educate themselves and discover new things and ideas.

I do go back to the travel thing. It seems to open far more minds than it closes. Must say something more about travel than those who are "less responsible" do it.