Let's have a (TEA) Party

CedarPawn said:
Haha, touche. Very well then, let's call them utterly incompetent laughingstocks.

As for the idea that the world is generally trending towards "conservative" rather than "liberal" ideologies, I must confess to a degree of skepticism; though I'm certainly not qualified to speak of Australia. In the States at least, the media and academia (and therefore, the culture) are utterly dominated by the left, and again the tea party movement is in part a reaction to this growing cultural hegemony.

What passes as the "left" in the US is pretty squarely in the middle of the political spectrum. The Democratic party is pretty centrist empirically speaking. In fact, I can't think of the last time a true left candidate was even in consideration.

As for the rest, I'm not so sure I buy that the media is utterly dominated by the so called "left". There are lots of outlets (even some good ones:p) that espouse the conservative cause - tv and print.
What to take issue with in the tea party agenda? The tea party position on taxation is absurd. The tax rates in the US, especially for the wealthy and large income earners, are among of the lowest of all industrialized nations. If there is an articuable agenda other than the refusal to tax the wealthy for their fair share of the load, it appears to be to simply oppose whatever the addministration proposes without regard to merit.
Most hilarious comment yet (though I acknowledge I rarely listen to anything Michelle or Palin have to say), comes from Mitt Romney yesterday. Exasperated while taking questions he responds to one questioner, "Corporations are people !". Romney, the prototypical corporate shill.
CedarPawn said:
In the States at least, the media and academia (and therefore, the culture) are utterly dominated by the left, and again the tea party movement is in part a reaction to this growing cultural hegemony.
I hear this claim a lot, and yet intensive research I did for a university paper certainly didn't back this claim up. Is there a major media outlet as far to the "left" as Fox is to the "right"?

And is your accusation of some media outlets being "left wing" due to them questioning government policy? Though shouldn't that be every news outlets' job, to question/analyse all government policy?

We get the same accusation all the time in Australia regarding the ABC (our government funded "public" broadcaster), but to me it seems more that "the right" believe the media should simply back the government rather than question the status quo. Hence why I'm a HUGE fan of wikileaks.

Plus, to be honest, as a comment above has said, the US "left" is more like "centre" from a global perspective. I don't really think there is a true "left wing" party in the US anymore.
CedarPawn said:
If you would, please explain what you take issue with in the actual tea party agenda (not whatever weird projects individual members have embarked upon).

Ok, lets look at one of their mainstream proponents, Rick Perry now running for President, I guess he decided against Texas succeeding from the union for now. He just held a prayer meeting last week in Texas, check out some of the participants (here http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs...izer-in-chief/2011/08/10/gIQAQKue6I_blog.html). The author of this article missed other tidbits from the participants like the belief the Japan earthquake was caused by the emperor having sex with a demon, or others that believe the SS was on the right track in trying to wipe out the Jews. Does this mean Rick agrees with these views, don't know, but he is associating with some very strange people, he has a lot of explaining to do. All I know is when I hear views like this is that I don't want anything to do with the people involved, and I certainly don't want anybody associated with them elected to any office. If people can't see the danger in this kind of thinking then they need a history lesson in the 1930's and 40's.