Hi All
The original question to this post was "[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]What do you american expats find about living in Argentina that you cannot find in the US?" There have been some wonderful and insightful replies but I would like to modify the question to the following:[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]How do you find joy in life? If you fi[/background][background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]nd more of that in BA, then that's the place for you. If you find more of that in xx city, that's where you should be. What brings me joy in life? I love to spend time with my wife, my four kids, my four grandkids, my private practice, and been busy but not stressed out. I love my life in California because that's where I find lots of joy. If you gave me the choice to spend time at an asado, to use that social gathering as an example, or spent a few hours alone in my office catching up, I would rather choose the latter. And I am a very friendly, outgoing guy. If, on my way to the bank I bump into a friend and I am given the choice of going to a coffee with him or continuing to the bank, I would choose the latter. Getting things done bring me more joy than spending time with someone chit chatting.[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]My wife goes for lunch with a few friends once a month. They meet at 1 pm and stay together until 5 pm or later. I just cannot understand how she can sit there and enjoy spending hours talking about nothing! They certainly never fix the world. When I go to Bolivia, my wife and sister in laws and friends gather to play cards from 7 pm till one, two in the morning. It blows my mind that they can sit there for hours and do nothing but play cards and talk. Those activities bring me no joy. I go to bed at 9:30 pm. Please don't try to imagine what kind of reputation I have in Bolivia![/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]I do spend four months a year in BA now. What brings me joy there? That's a great question and one that I hope to be able to answer in this trip. Previously, we were remodeling an apartment, so we were super busy in that process. That brought me joy. It wasn't the spending, it was the building, the challenge. In this trip, I have no challenges, nothing really to do, nothing to try to build, so I am a bit unsure as to whether I will enjoy the stay. It's an exploration. I do hope to find joy in new ways for me.[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]In sum, I have lived 40 years in the USA, and found much joy here. I like being busy and I love challenges that I want to pursue. I was raised in BA, so each year we would go down for 2 weeks. Yes, in those short trips I found lots of joy, the joy that comes from re-living those experiences that cause nostalgia. But spending four months is a totally different adventure. Whether I will find joy in BA for that long of a period is an open question.[/background]
[background=rgb(252, 252, 252)]What brings joy in your life? If the things that are available in BA brings that to you, that's your city.[/background]