Looking for NGO, Communications, or Multinational Job

I came down here 7 years ago with a BA in International Relations as well and honestly couldn't find work related to the field. I ended up in Search Marketing. Not my absolute passion, but it pays the bills! If you have residency here, you should look at the job postings on the US Embassy website every now and then.
Why don't you guys post a bit more info. Where you're graduating from, major and background. There are people here who hire, but we're probably not going to answer every post.
To everyone who wants to meet up: let's do it!! I just bought my ticket (and got an awesome fare through LAN, a mirace!) and I'll be here Jan. 17, so if you all email me, I'll write you and we can set up a coffee/picnic/mate date then. My email is [email protected].

jb5, I guess that makes sense. I'm graduating from Williams College. My major is Borders, Exile, and Diaspora Studies (basically movement of people and the transnational context). I have worked for 4 years in the university's communications office - writing press releases, editing and proofreading, media management, etc. I have also done editing work for Thames and Hudson Publishers and for the school's Alumni magazines. I have interned at The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (where I did international fundraising and donor management and research into social corporate responsability) and Amnesty International (where I created and managed a blog, proposed a new media strategy, and planned different actions/events). I also interned at an Argentine organization, the International Film Festival for Human Rights (where I mostly did translations). I am skilled in photography and photoshop. I was in BA previously for one year, and returned twice since. I speak Spanish fluently (I attended an international high school and did a bilingual International Baccalaureate diploma). I also speak/read/write Arabic at an advanced level (both Modern Standard and Egyptian Colloquial), and I speak French and German both at the intermediate level.

I guess that's about it. Anyone want to hire me? :)
Wow, there seem to be a lot of us in the same boat! I would love to get together sometime. I'm already in Buenos Aires and I guess some of yall will get here in January. It would be interesting to discuss starting our own project if none of us have any luck finding work in an existing one.

jb5 said:
Why don't you guys post a bit more info. Where you're graduating from, major and background. There are people here who hire, but we're probably not going to answer every post.

I graduated Magna Cum Laude from Agnes Scott College (Atlanta, GA, USA) in May 2011 with a major in Political Science and minor in Human Rights. My focus in both research and coursework was Human Rights in Latin America, with a heavy emphasis on women`s rights. I also spent my junior year at Universidad del Salvador here in Buenos Aires. Before I moved back to Argentina, I was interning at the U.S. Human Rights Network for the Universal Periodic Review Campaign where I analyzed reports from the U.S. government and the United Nations and processed the information into more readable summaries for the general public, developed social media and networking communities for the organizations` current projects, and also assisted with external communications. While in Buenos Aires I have co-founded ArgentinaVolunteer (www.argetinavolunteer.org) with some other expats. It is a website that aims to connect volunteers with NGOs be making volunteer opportunities more accessible in an online directory. I am also helping out at Asociación Civil Siloé with internet communications (blogs, social media, etc.) and am in charge of establishing contact with new volunteers who are interested in working through the organization, especially foreigners either studying or living in Buenos Aires.

If you or anyone else have any leads, I would greatly appreciate it!
lots of people in the same boat...a quick thought, if you are here for the long-haul, it may be worth it to take some courses in social work (or anything else). This will familiarize you all with the system, and also it is one of the best ways to make contacts. My sister-in-law studies Trabajo Social in the UBA, and has been able to make some great contacts and do some really interesting research.
Also, most NGOs will probably only hire Argentine legal residents...do you have residency? Just something to keep in mind.
I also studied International Studies :) good luck to all of us!
I think the UBA social work suggestion is a really good one...I had the opportunity to take a class there when I was studying abroad but stuck to sociology instead, and now I wish I had done it!

lejohnson, it's really cool that you went ahead and started that website! It's a little like idealistas, but directed at expats/students, and I think you're totally right in that it's such an untapped community because people want to volunteer but find it hard to connect to organizations.

It's exciting to see how many of us share these interests!