Lord, what a storm!

Yeah, that was a good one! I was thankful I only lost power for less than an hour.
I don't know how it was in other parts of CABA, but here in Villa Urquiza it was downright tropical at several points.

As is my way, I made the most of it, having some interesting chats with several people with whom I shared shelter under various awnings as we waited out the worst of it. Most young people don't seem like they want to talk, but my fellow seniors are always up for a casual conversation.

At one point, I was sheltering under the awning in front of the local Cafe Martinez. A lady who had just crossed the street at great personal risk, and then navigated the overflowing gutters and half-flooded sidewalk to reach the same uncertain sanctuary paused and looked at me before entering. I offered, "Que buen tiempo, eh?" and she replied "Tremendo!" with such ripely disgusted irony that I had to laugh out loud. I deeply admire the manner in which argentinos can always summon a sarcastic comment no matter what the circumstances. This poor lady looked like a drowned cat, but her sense of humor was wholly intact.
Thought I was back in Miami! Trees down at F D R Villa Urqiza.
I booked a last minute apartment in San Telmo. Thankfully I’m only here a month as it’s dire

No A/C or fan? oof

Forecast looks okay for now, but if it gets bad, freeze some water bottles. help keep you cool if you have trouble sleeping.
No A/C or fan? oof

Forecast looks okay for now, but if it gets bad, freeze some water bottles. help keep you cool if you have trouble sleeping.
The A/C was just weird to actually get working. Did manage to get it working in the end. Not been in my apartment for the last couple days, hope it weathered the storm ok! I’ve heard a lot of power cuts and uprooted trees in the west. Anybody know how CABA held up? I’m in south BA and it was a bad storm but think it was worse elsewhere

Sounds like we are neighbors; I'm in that general area myself.
Yes, we can meet up when I get settled if you like.

You have helped me alot. I thank you!

Wife just had full knee replacement, amazing how quick healing. Need to be here for her.