Where did I ever say that it was important that either one of them speak english? I think both Nico and Gringo need to read my posting -- all I said was for "those of you who don't speak Spanish or have never seen your future president speaking in english" here are some vids. Did I say it's important? No, I just said it's their language capabilities are certainly an improvement over Bad Information Bad information.
I do think that in today's world it is important to speak at least two languages. Then again, i come from Canada where being able to speak both official languages is a requirement to be PM. If Argentina wants any rapprochement with the rest of the world of course a president who can at least casually converse in another language helps. Scioli says he speaks 4 languages in fact, but not sure how much beyond Bonjour, Buongiorno, Hello (and sometimes even his native language he stumbles). Speaking casually is also a far cry from speaking on complex technical matters. Macri was much more measured in his interview with FT than he is in his native language. However at least being able to say a few words does help relations when outside of the country. Some portugese capabilities would be nice in either of them but I don't believe either can speak it.
But of course, language capabilites do not make the man, nor the president. For instance, the only candidate in the USA with relatively fluent language capabilities is Jeb Bush. Yes, Jeb.