Make Up Of Our Ba Community

Raised on an apple orchard in Washington State. Moved here almost three years ago to be with my Argentine partner while she finishes medical school. Then, we all go back to the US...though I will miss it here.
Native Houstonian. Married a wonderful Argentina in 2007. Spend as much time as possible at home in BAires, currently in Houston maybe 7-8 months in the year. Will turn that around soon enough.
Argentine lived most of my life in the US and here in and out for the last two years. will definitely be leaving forgood in a year or two.oh in my 40's :))
Argentine, 39, mother of two boys 19 and 1. Met my gringo hubby online while working on a project about 10 years ago. He is registered on this forum but posted only a couple of times, quiet NJ guy he is ;)
This is a great thread. Thanks.
I'm a very youthful 70 years old.
Most of my life was spent in NYC/NJ/Long Island. MBA, technology businesses, real estate.
2001 was living across the street from the WTC, it was a quiet beautiful neighborhood, on the Harbor, with lots of parks. Had an office on the 79 floor of WTC I. Our subway station, main shopping and many of our restaurants were in the WTC. It was the center of our daily lives. From most streets we could see cruise ships passing close by, the Statue of Liberty guarding our harbor and, if we looked up a little, the WTC looming high over us, lighting the night and, if we left the neighborhood it would point the way home, even from 50 miles away.
Stayed 3 years to help rebuild lower Manhattan.
2004 moved to Florida. Lived near an amazingly beautiful beach.
Travelled all over the world. Met the orangutans in Boreno, saw the treasures of the Tsars in St. Petersburg, the gorgeous beaches in Bali and (surprise) Vietnam.
2010 met an Argie Lady in cyberspace and contracted what I think of as 'Argentine Babe Syndrome' or 'ABS'. Soon I'm putting my boxer dog on a Continental flight to EZE, putting all my belongings in storage and moving here.
Not crazy about Argentina but love its people.
Insanely happy here.
I´m in my 50´s, living with a guy from EntreRios in funky Caballito (joke). Born in the UK, grew up in Australia, lived in Italy, US, Canada and most recently 6 years in France. My sons live in Australia so I´m closer to them now than I have been for a long time. Distance is relative! Last month, the dog arrived from the UK, so that means I am settled.
Got my residencia precaria last week and looking forward to completing the rest of the tramites, once I work out what they are.
I think that happiness depends on the people you are with, not the place. Argentina, like all the abovementioned countries, has its pros and cons but I don´t plan to leave.
Cheers, Sarah
I really like the idea of meeting expats and sharing experiences. Although I am Argentinian, I have been living in NY, LA and now Tucson, Arizona USA for almost 30 years. I visited BA about a year and I felt like a total stranger only with the ability of speaking the language. So I will need some help to cope when I retire and come back to Baires.
American, born and raised in Michigan. Move to NYC after college and consider myself a New Yorker after being there 14+ years and doing Wall Street, dot com startups and my own businesses. Got burnt out and had an "inspired" epiphany at Burning Man '07 that I had become a very unhappy person. Decided to move to Buenos Aires in '08 to try something different. Ended up meeting my wife (Argentine) at a Thanksgiving dinner for expats and now have a 2.5 year old girl and a boy on the way. We spend a few months of the year in Killington, Vermont and the rest of the time here. I love to travel, but have put those plans on hold a bit with the kids. We have rental properties here and in the States and I run a tech consulting business as well (plus some personal blogging). We live in Belgrano and really like it for the moment... At some point we will probably end up back in the States though that is a far-future plan at the moment.
American, in my late 30s, born & raised in Buffalo (with a brief year in Paris), school in Boston, then spent my 20s/early 30s in NYC but really, most of it was spent traveling for work/fun. Quit my job in late 2007, came to Argentina for what I thought would be a 1 year sabbatical & bounced around a bit between here & the US doing lots of fun things. Came back here for good end of 2008 & was working for a US company as the director of the company here as well as doing some other global stuff. Got together with my better half who is Argentine a few years ago & quit my job in 2012 and am a full time mom (for now) with 3 month old twins. Not sure if he & I will stay here for the long-term - it's scary to contemplate raising our kids here.