I've been here 8 years. It took me a good 2 years to get over the exact feelings you are having now. The things that got me to the point of really liking it here are:
1. Learn Spanish. Get serious about this. You could be highly conversant in 6 months (even with a full-time job). This allows you to ...
2. Navigate your way through life here. You'll discover things that YOU like and will enrich your life. You'll ...
3. Make new friends, weed out the ones who think you are rich just because you're from (fill in your country here) ... and that allows you to ...
4. Expand your life and discover the things that this city/country can provide you (job, food, shelter, friends, culture) and ...
5. Expand yourself and grow as a human being. That allows you ...
6. Give back to your community and be a fully-functioning person within the society.
If you get stuck anywhere along the way it helps to have expat friends to whom you can b*tch to over beers, get it out of your system, and then get on with yourself. Don't overlook the fact that as much as you might be "hating" life here in Argentina this country opened it's arms to you.
And now I'm going for a run - because the freaking internet keeps shutting off and if I don't I'll be at the Cablevision office bashing someone in the forehead with my laptop.