Medical Cannabis or Marijuana

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A couple of weeks ago I was listening to a radio program about exactly these questions. This is what they reported:

-You can grow up to three plants in your house.
-If you are walking down the street you can only have one joint on your possession. Having more than one implies intent to sell, which is illegal.

As for legal way to find and buy marijuana, I don't think there is one. I would recommend asking around for other foreigners who have such an interest and getting something straight from them, or a trusted Argentine friend who can probably at least refer you to a friend. Even people who don't smoke don't seem to look down upon drugs too much, so don't be too worried about asking.

Good luck~
"The government is not the solution to our problems, the government is the problem."

Ronald Reagan sounding like an anarchist
There's certainly available marijuana here -- you can smell in on the streets and in the clubs -- it's not a big deal. However, the idea of "medical" marijuana is completely foreign to them. I mentioned to a portena that in California it's used to treat illness and I might as well have suggested that marijuana helps the the moon go round.
I just hate that you can't get buds here. I've hear people say the usual "i had a friend that had buds" but that friend always tends to be MIA. BUDS BUDS BUDS, its not like asking for something extremely hard to get.
Except it IS extremely hard to get here, Maikito. It's easier to get good acid (a drug that has virtually disappeared from the Seattle scene, try though my friends do to find it) than good weed.

I gave a porteño friend 100 pesos and 6 weeks later he was finally able to make a connection and offered me the chance to buy 100 pesos more which I jumped on. I got a decent amount of the highest quality I've seen here for the price the locals pay but I am hoarding it with my life since who knows when the chance will come again!

Without my local and semi-well-connected friend I never would have gotten the quantity or quality for the price I did, so the best advice is: meet someone who smokes a lot of weed and befriend them.
I would understand it being completely hard to get here if it was something that couldn't be produced in this country....Weed can easily be grown and produced here, yet they insist on selling imported Paraguayan compacted brown weed. Its like buying grape juice made from raisins. I want 100% grape juice.
Looks like growing the kindie would be the perfect niche to fill for someone.
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