Medical Cannabis or Marijuana

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You wouldn't want seeds for anything that's available around here, I don't think.

I have a friend who ordered seeds from Holland and they made it in normal mail here, with no problems. It is sent in an envelope and very subtly arranged inside. His only problem is finding a place to grow it.

As to the legality of having shipped it through international mail and Correo Argentina - I don't know.

Bud is usually seasonally available, but even then, it's not very good at all - it just doesn't make you choke when you smoke like the brown brick.

Another friend recently bought a quantity to share amongst his friends at about $1.75 pesos/gram. It was brick, but very loose, green with red hairs, and very recently pressed. Almost bud. When he bought the "bud" (which was really loose pieces of bud and not a stick with a long bud on it!) he was paying 20 pesos a gram, but that was because he bought in quantity - the regular price was $25 pesos a gram!
arty said:
drugs are bad, mmmmmm'kay

Yeah, alcohol, not really being a drug (because the US and other gov'ts says so), and although is more physically addictive than cannabis and does more bodily injury than cannabis, and kills more people directly (there has never been a reported case of anyone dying directly from smoking marijuana) - Marijuana BAD! Alcohol GOOD!

ElQueso said:
Yeah, alcohol, not really being a drug (because the US and other gov'ts says so), and although is more physically addictive than cannabis and does more bodily injury than cannabis, and kills more people directly (there has never been a reported case of anyone dying directly from smoking marijuana) - Marijuana BAD! Alcohol GOOD!

I am pro legalization of weed, but I just don't want people smoking it around me all the time. (Cigarettes either)

I also agree with the weed vs alcohol argument except, that it is easy to tell how much alcohol a driver has in her system (did you see how I made the driver a female?) and, people don't turn and blow alcohol in your face when you are in a bar / your clothes don't smell like alcohol the day after going to a bar.
Buds are really hard to get in Argentina.
And if you are lucky to find any, most of the time they dont even know what strain they are selling.
Prices go 30-40 pesos per Gram.
depends on the salesman.
Most of the time you get wet bud (cause it weighs more)

But again is really hard to get.

Seeds are not legal in Argentina....and is also not legal to receive seeds from holland...(but hardly dangerous to do it)

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