medical tourism and general money handling question

Time out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are saying that you are coming to Argentina for a $30,000.00 Medical procedure. Medical here is cheap. How did you get this outrageous estimate?
Maybe from some "middleman" company that pays the doc $5K and pockets $25K. Sounds pretty fishy. You might want to rethink something here?
Is it just me or does something smell fishy here. Wouldn't a business expecting to charge customers large amounts like this have set-up some sort of payment process rather than expecting customers to come up with ways to smuggle in cash or diamonds? The whole thread sounds bogus and ghost is right this is a lot of money for any kind of surgery in Argentina.
Hi Erica -- Have a look through the forum with the search function -- try looking for "transferring money to Argentina" -- a lot of people have been in a similar situation when purchasing apartments etc.

By the way:

ericam said:
Second, I really don't want to get arrested, I've seen Midnight Run too many times to want to land in a foreign prison, even if it's just for a night, so breaking the law just isn't an option for me.

lol -- though I love Charles Grodin in Midnight Run, I don't think De Niro tortured him nearly as badly as the Turkish guards did to the american guy in Midnight Express... ;)
yes I was thinking about that... 3,000 100$ notes must be something! :D

I brought my money in Euros, from Europe. We are not checked when we leave the country (at least not on money).

Exchanging dollars into Euros will cost you a lot. So this option goes together with other options (transfering/cheques/credit cards). With the only difference that you are doing something ilegal...

When you enter Argentina, don't say you come for medical reasons, just say you are on holidays. Don't wear jewels/wave fancy phones or cameras, and you will be fine.
ghost said:
Time out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are saying that you are coming to Argentina for a $30,000.00 Medical procedure. Medical here is cheap. How did you get this outrageous estimate?
Maybe from some "middleman" company that pays the doc $5K and pockets $25K. Sounds pretty fishy. You might want to rethink something here?

I was just thinking the same thing...
Tell the doctor that you have no way of bringing that money to Argentina. Lots of Args. have US accounts - maybe he does, too. For that outrageous fee - thirty-thousand dollars would pay for a heart and lung transplant in Argentina - he should be prepared to be flexible.

I hope you have checked that doctor's credentials - demanding cash payment is not a good sign.

In Ezeiza I always head straight for the Manuel Tienda Leon booth in the arrivals lobby and hire a cab there - it's the best company, and their drivers have never been held up. May cost ten dollars more than a regular cab, but it is well worth it.

Good luck...!
ericam said:
I even offered to buy someone a ticket but everyone is too busy protecting their jobs to take that kind of time off.
To be legal, two round trip tickets would have to be purchased for two mules, cost would be about $3,000.00: 10% of your $30,000.00. You are willing to buy airline tickets, yet you complain about exchange rates and such? I do not get it. Good Luck.
Do it with travelers checks, do not walk around the city with that kind of cash. Ask whether they have Paypal or if they take American checks, they might have an account in the US if they work with foreigners and involve such amounts. Talk to your bank and ask them if they would take a debit card?
I don't like the sound of this at all. If you need a real doctor PM me this smells wrong. And by the way $30K in cash is exactly a stack 1.5 inches high. And no one ever turns in the customs slip upon entering. Try it they never ask and its not required. Have not done it in the last 10 trips.
Anyway I feel that you are in danger. Either for a rip off or a robbery.
Or maybe you're a troll.
dennisr said:
To be legal, two round trip tickets would have to be purchased for two mules, cost would be about $3,000.00: 10% of your $30,000.00. You are willing to buy airline tickets, yet you complain about exchange rates and such? I do not get it. Good Luck.

Sorry I should have been more explicit. I have been offering to pay someone's way in exchange for that person coming to assist me while I am convalescing. I'm not sure I'll be able to care for myself after 12 hours of surgery. A plane ticket was much cheaper than hiring a private nurse as well as having a friend to keep me company. It had nothing to do with the issue of transferring money. I think my airfare was only $1100, so I guess I got lucky, score one for me.