HenryNisental said:
Do not bring large amounts of cash with you if you want to live a little longer.
Bring a 30K cashier´s check and Banco Piano will cash it for you. It may take a week or so, and they charge a 1.5% only commision fee..
You can hire a policeman or two as a personal security guard, they do it all the time. for a fee.
good luck Henry
Ah, okay this is some useful information. Although you have succeeded in scaring the crap out of me.

I will certainly consider this option, though the week or two clearing time might be an issue. I'm scheduled in surgery 3 days after arrival. Hiring private police, omg, I'm starting to get the picture. I've done a fair amount of traveling. Some places in eastern Europe made me more than a little tense. This is starting to sound even worse.
ghost said:
Time out here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are saying that you are coming to Argentina for a $30,000.00 Medical procedure. Medical here is cheap. How did you get this outrageous estimate?
Well first, there is at least one other hand involved in this, and without her help and marketing I'd never have known of this surgeon, so I'm not resentful of her making money off of me. The set of procedures I'm getting is more than a bit complex. I know of only 4 surgeons in the world that do it. The most comparable quote I got in the US was pushing $60,000. The price in Thailand was higher than in AR. Believe me, I've done my research. This is the 8th surgeon I've consulted.
Also it's not all for the surgery, I have to pay for an apartment for a month and a security deposit and food and maybe a little bit of fun if I recover enough to do that. For me, even though it's everything I have, it's still a bargain.
gouchobob said:
Wouldn't a business expecting to charge customers large amounts like this have set-up some sort of payment process
They do, as I mentioned I wired the deposit but I lost 10% in fees and exchange rate. Traveler checks are the other option being suggested but they aren't cheap to buy anymore, quite the opposite, plus my past experience is that they are both hard and expensive to surrender, so I'm just canvassing to solicit other options. Although the case of getting money in for surgery is specialized, the general case of trying to get money in inexpensively isn't. People must run into this all the time.
syngirl said:
lol -- though I love Charles Grodin in Midnight Run, I don't think De Niro tortured him nearly as badly as the Turkish guards did to the american guy in
Midnight Express...

, I am now deeply ashamed. I'll try and find some more threads thanks.
katti said:
When you enter Argentina, don't say you come for medical reasons, just say you are on holidays. Don't wear jewels/wave fancy phones or cameras, and you will be fine.
Thanks, I don't even own anything fancy anymore. I've had to sacrifice all niceties to the god's of gender transition.