medical tourism and general money handling question

Capital One credit card doesn't charge any fees for its card being used abroad? They may not do that for a $30,000 fee, but maybe you should call them and check it out?

I concur with everyone else regarding bringing the money with you. It's not safe. I wouldn't even consider it an option, to be honest. Just because you have a "custodio" doesn't make you bulletproof...
bradlyhale said:
Capital One credit card doesn't charge any fees for its card being used abroad? They may not do that for a $30,000 fee, but maybe you should call them and check it out?

I concur with everyone else regarding bringing the money with you. It's not safe. I wouldn't even consider it an option, to be honest. Just because you have a "custodia" doesn't make you bulletproof...

I know that used to be the case, wasn't sure if they still honored that with all the bank turmoil lately. I'm pretty sure that would only apply for purchases though, not cash advances. Unless the doctor had a merch account that wouldn't be possible, and even if they did they'd have to pay Cap1 at least 3% for it.

Hrm, okay I'm convinced not to do the cash in the underoos thing. I don't want to get killed before I have a chance to get cut up ;)
Can you tell us what surgery you are having. I am interested to know what costs US$30k ! And i bet i am not the only one..
davonz said:
Can you tell us what surgery you are having. I am interested to know what costs US$30k ! And i bet i am not the only one..

I am being turned into an exact copy of Gwen Stefani :p

I'm having a large number of cranio-facial procedures collectively known as facial feminizing surgery. It's not 30, closer to 26 but the FFS portion is around 20K.
Thanks for telling, not that i am anymore enlightened, i have never heard the term "cranio-facial procedures".. i guess its time for google...

Who is Gwen Stefani.. more google i guess !!!!
davonz said:
Thanks for telling, not that i am anymore enlightened, i have never heard the term "cranio-facial procedures".. i guess its time for google...

It just means changes to both the bones as well as the soft tissue of the face. IOW, a lot more than a nose job. You'll get more from "teh google" with "FFS"
OMG, you poor darling. That looks painful! :( I really hope you convinced your friend to come with you! You'll need someone to be there to take care of you.
OMG - hope the surgery goes well and wishing you the best and hope you rock the Gwen Stefani look ;)! It seems as though there aren't many surgeons that do this so I would imagine that you can't be first person to come from overseas. Have you spoken directly to the surgeon to discuss payment options and how other clients have handled?

Good luck with the surgery!
ericam said:
It just means changes to both the bones as well as the soft tissue of the face. IOW, a lot more than a nose job. You'll get more from "teh google" with "FFS"

That's a massive procedure - takes a lot of courage. Best wishes for a quick recovery and many happy hours in front of the mirror enjoying your new look...!
mini said:
OMG, you poor darling. That looks painful! :( I really hope you convinced your friend to come with you! You'll need someone to be there to take care of you.

It does right? I'm pretty scared frankly. No, the way things are right now everyone is too worried about losing their job to leave for that period of time. I'm going to mostly go it alone and count on the surgeon's assistant to stop by and shove some baby food in my mouth :)

citygirl said:
OMG - hope the surgery goes well and wishing you the best and hope you rock the Gwen Stefani look ;)!...Have you spoken directly to the surgeon to discuss payment options and how other clients have handled?

Good luck with the surgery!

I was kidding about Gwen. I think even if I paid him twice that amount I doubt he could make me look that good. I've been going back and forth with them about it and traveler checks have been their best suggestion to avoid the central bank, and that is what other people have done. The last woman I spoke with said she tried for a few weeks to find a more efficient method but was unable to. I thought I'd give it a shot. Never hurts to get more data points.

Thank you both for the well wishes. I'll be lying around for weeks so I'll most likely pop in here to visit. Maybe if I'm able before I leave I'll try and make it out to an expat bar. Doubting it, but it's something to shoot for.

Best wishes for a quick recovery and many happy hours in front of the mirror enjoying your new look...!

Ha, I'm not that vain...well...maybe a little :)