

Aug 17, 2023
The Argentine stock market is Merval. It looks like in the last year it has risen 321.3%, which is about double the rate of inflation. Might this be a decent place to put surplus pesos ? The new requirements for Pensionado and Rentista visas require remitting to Argentina bank accounts monthly amounts which exceed typical living expenses, so holders of these visa type might end up with lots of surplus pesos depreciating in Argentine bank accounts. I am considering applying for Pensionado visa when I retire.

I wonder if anybody in Argentina offers market index mutual funds, such as are available in USA?
Without wishing to sidetrack your post immediately, does the requirement to remit the minimum amount apply to BOTH the Rentista visa AND the Pensionista? Or only to the Rentista? This was one of the doubts which arose when the rules changed and has not been cleared up yet.
Brokerage accounts have grown for exactly the reason you mention. Recent Bloomberg article about that.

Advice I have received is that the income requirement applies to both types of visa, there is not much doubt about that.
Advice I have received is that the income requirement applies to both types of visa, there is not much doubt about that.
If that's the case, the premise of this thread is mistaken. The money brought in will pesify at the official rate. There won't be much, if any, surplus each month. The 2000 dollars you bring in today becomes 700,000 pesos (the equivalent of less than 800 dollars at the blue rate). Little spare change to invest in Merval.