Milei Won. He is the new President of Argentina.

Milei could be a disaster. Massa proved he was a disaster. Only time will tell.

Either way, it will probably be a rocky 4 years with protests, road blocks, etc from the Peronista machine.

The thing is, he won't fix things for those who voted him in either. He could be gone after four years. Either way, if you are passionate about the politics of either party, there is something wrong with you. I depend on no one. I defend no one. I've experienced economic growth with Cristina, Macri, Fernandez, and probably will continue with Milei. I control my own destiny.
Massa spent 2% of the PBI in "plan platita" of our money to get to 44%, it would have been a lot worse .
The central bank will be turned over with practically zero dollar reserves as it appears the propping up of the Peso has emptied the vault. Bridge loans from China will be another yoke around the neck of the economy along with the upcoming bond payments in 2024.
Milei basically got handed a glowing red hot metal stick, that he will now have to touch with his hand. Let's hope he can cool it off for the benefit of Argentina.
The thing is, he won't fix things for those who voted him in either. He could be gone after four years. Either way, if you are passionate about the politics of either party, there is something wrong with you. I depend on no one. I defend no one. I've experienced economic growth with Cristina, Macri, Fernandez, and probably will continue with Milei. I control my own destiny.
That's the spirit! I try to do the same.
You made me laugh! Cristina was equally, if not even more, unqualified for the presidency and she still served two terms. The pendulum will swing back even harder, Milei's presidency will be a failure as the economic and sociocultural systems in Argentina are not set up to build a country to prosperity in the way of, say, Australia. And Milei won't actually change anything that matters structurally about the government and economy, he will probably just end up axing the benefits that help people survive on a day-to-day basis and claim that his way is working.
People will go back to voting for the "safe" option (Peronism) in a few short years, the Milei experiment will be tried and will fail.
I hope you are incorrect.
Anything is better than more of the same. At least, in four years we'll have a chance to try again.

And the K's graft machine has been disturbed. Control of ANSES' fat "caja" has been wrestled from Maximo Kirchner's Campora, and will go to Carolina Piparo. May God bless and help her.
It was so red hot that your man Massa ran as fast as it could from it...he was supposed to be our next great leader...haha

The stick has been heating up for a lot longer than Massa has been minister of the economy. Massa is not my man. Yes, I voted for him, because I thought he was the better choice overall. Time will tell.
As Mariel Fornoni, director of polling firm Management & Fit in Buenos Aires, put it: “Evidently at the last minute, people who said that neither candidate represented them ended up taking a risk and choosing what most represented change.”

Milei's Win in Argentina Sealed by a Risky Gamble That Turned Rival Into Ally
